19 JULY 1851, Page 11


On Saturday last we were favoured with an admission to the very ex- tensive and valuable collection of works of art and vertii formed by Mr. Hertz, at No. 11 Great Marlborough Street ; consisting of Assyrian, Baby- lonian, Egyptian, Etruscan, Greek, Roman, Indian Peruvian, and Mexican antiquities, together with some examples of modern date. Few indeed are the private collections which can rival this for judicious choice combined with extent ; of which some idea may be formed on inspection of the voluminous catalogue raisonne of its contents. We should incur the danger of falling into a mere repetition of the details there supplied, were we to speak at length of Mr. Hertz's collection : but we may refer specially to the life-sized pugilist in nero antico to the Sea Venus arranging her locks, and to the smaller Venus engraseil in the catalogue, as fine examples of Greek art; to the choice specimens of ancient glass ; and to the very singular and well-preserved Mexican relies. The museum—such it may be fitly called—appeared to afford unmingled satisfaction to all who visited it.