On the 4th July, at Copenhagen, the Wife of J. H. Drummond Hay, Esq., her Ma- jesty's Char0 d'Affaires in Morocco, of a daughter. On the 5th, at Sedgeford Hall, Norfolk, the Wife of Charles Neville Rolfe, Esq., of a sun.
On the 9th, at Ardsheal House, Appin, Argyleshire, the Wife of Miles Lockhart, Esq., of a son. On the 11th, in Chester Terrace, Regent's Park, the Hon. Lady Pearson, of a daughter.
On the 120, at Carlisle, the Lady Mary Hope Wallace, of a daughter. On the 12th, at Cation Hall, Derbyshire, the Lady of the Horn Robert Curzon jun., of a son and heir.
On the lath, at Weaveriug, Kent, the Lady North, of a son and heir.
On the 15th, Mrs. Herbert, of Llanartb, of a son and heir.
On the 10th July, at St. Paul's, Knightsbridge, Sir Godfrey Webster, Dart., of
Battle Abbey, Sussex, to Sarah Joanna, youngest daughter of the late William Mur- ray, Esq., and Widow of the Hon. Charles Ashburnham.
On the 10th, at Richmond, Surrey, William, eldest son of William Simpson, Esq., of Mitcham, to Winefred, sixth daughter of the late Sir Edward Mostyn, Bart. On the 12th, at All Souls' Church, Longhorn Place, H. Appleyard, Esq., barrister,
of l Lincoln's Inn, _atilda, only child of the Bet eldest son of the late W. Stainer, Dl)., Rector of St. Savioui, Bath.
Richard Smith Appleyard„ Esq., to Charlotte
' On the 12th, first at the Spanish Place Chapel, and afterwards at All Souls Church, Marylebone, Marcus Staunton Lynch, Esq., of Clydagh House, county of Galway, to Horalia Anne, daughter of Charles Powlett Rushworth, Esq., and great grand- daughter of Leonard, the last Lord Holmes.
On the lath, at St. James's Church, the lion. and Rev. Douglas Gordon, third son of the Earl of Aberdeen, to Lady Ellen Douglas, second daughter of the Earl of Morton.
On the 16th, Thomas Milles, son of Sir James Mines Riddell, of..Ardnamurchiul, Bart., to Mary Ann, daughter of John Hodgson, Esq.
On the 17th, at St. Paul's, Knightsbridge, Robert Hallowell Carew, late Captain Thirty-sixth Regiment, fifth' son of the late Admiral Sir Benjamin Hallowell Carew, G.C.B. of 13eddington Park, Surrey, to Anne Rycroft, Relict of Walter Tykon Sinythies, Esq., and fourth daughter of the Rev. Oliver Raymond, LL.B., Rector of , Middleton, aid vicar of Baliner-with-Belchamp, Essex.
On the 5th May, at sea, near the Cape of Good Hope, on board the Queen, from Calcutta, Commander James Henry Johnston, R.N., Controller of Government Steamers,. II.E.I.C.S.; in his 63d year. He was the first to open the route to India by steam in the Enterprise iu 1825, and subsequently to establish steam navigation on the Indian rivers.
011 the 8th July, at Martyr Worthy, near Winchester, the Rev. Sir Henry Rivers, , Bart. ; in his 73d year.
On the 12th, at Caron Place, South Lambeth, Henry B. IL BeaufoY, Req.; in his 66th year.
On the 13th, at Dover, Colonel Robert Thomson, Royal Engineers; in his 65th year.
On the 14th, at Rackheath Hall, Norfolk, Sir Edward Stracey, hart.; in his 835 year.
On the 14th, the Right Hon. the Earl of Charleville; in his 50th year. .
On the 15th, in Paul Street, Finsbury, Mr. Thomas Newton ; iii his 91st year.
On the lath, in William Street, Lowndes Square, Clementine, Wife of Captain Sir Frederick Nicolson, Bart., R.N.; in her 28th year. Lately, at Lausanne, in Switzerland, on his way home from India, John F. Cath- cart, of the Bengal Civil Service, youngest son of the late Lord Alloway, one of the Judges of the Supreme Courts of Session and Justiciary in Scotland; in his 49th year.