19 JULY 1851, Page 20


[This volume contains a brief sketch of the origin and subsequent history of the Jesuits, followed by an account of sonic of the Jesuitical doctrines, arranged under distinct heads. Mr. Usborne tells their story in a style brimful of prejudices both Protestant and popular. Their doctrines are too bad" to misrepresent, but we think he misses the excuse for some of them. A part of the indecencies which he quotes in the original Latin are rather absurd than licentious ; the logical vagaries of a monkish casuist, and possibly ad- vanced to meet some absurdities quite as extreme by ascetics who were as absurd the other way. If some of the propositions were differently put, they would be received as truisms ; it is the Jesuit mind that renders them offen- sive.] From Babylon to Jerusalem. By Countess Hahn Hahn. [The Babylon and Jerusalem of this book are mystical or allegorical. It seems that the Countess Hahn Hahn has been converted to Romunism, and this volume is a rhapsody thereanent. The convert pours forth tipon all kinds of topics,—religion in Germany and elsewhere, Revolutionary Europe, her travels, herself, and her opinions ; the last three very much at large.] Sermons, preached for the most part in a Village Church in the Diocese of Durham. By the Reverend John Edmunds, M.A. [A series of plain discourses on some of the principal events in Christian his- tory, and the leading duties or trials of Christians, preached to a village congregation. For this purpose they are well adapted; but their literary character is not of a kind to require notice.] The New Testament Expounded and Illustrated, according to the usual marginal references, in the very words of Holy Scripture. To- gether with the Notes and Translations and a complete marginal Harmony of the Gospels. Part II. Containing the Epistles and the Revelation. By Clement Moody, M.A., Magdalen Hall, Oxford, Per- petual Curate of Sebergham. [Completes a very useful edition of the New Testament, whose chief features are the systematic chronological notifications, and the copious notes chiefly drawn from other passages of Scripture.] A Ride in Sicily. By Oxoniensis.

[A plain and unaffected account of a voyage from Naples to Messina, and a ride on muleback thence to Palermo, by Catania, Syracuse, and Girgenti, in- cluding an ascent of Etna. It is a pleasing memento for the writer and his friends, but too curt for independent publication.]

To the Giant and Fairy-Land of Our Own Times.

[The "giant" is the machinery at the Great Exhibition and the scheme of the piece is a kind of dialogue between some children and a grown-up man who has taken them there.] Transatlantic Rambles ;,or Jt Record of Twelve Months' Travel in the United States, Cuba, and the Brazils. By a Rugbman. [The reprint of a series of papers which appeared in a provincial journal,


The History of Greece from its Conquest by the Crusaders to its Con- quest by the Turks and of the Empire of Trebizond, 1204-1461. By George Finlay, Honorary Member of the Royal Society of Literature. The Discovery and Conquest of Terra Florida, by Don Ferdinand° De Soto, and six hundred Spaniards his followers. Written by a Gentle- man of Elvas, employed in all the Action, and Translated out of Per- tugese, by Richard Hakluvt. Reprinted from the edition of 1611. Edited, with Notes and an Introduction, and a Translation of a Nar- rative of the Expedition by Luis Hernandez De Biedina, Factor to the same, by William B. Rye, of the British Museum. (11akluyt So- ciety.) The Personality of the Tempter, and other Sermons, Doctrinal and Occasional, including a Sermon preached in St. Paul's Cathedral at the Festival of the Sons of the Clergy. By Charles John Vaughan, D.D., Head Master of Harrow School, &c.

Reformatory Schools for the Children of the Perishing and Dangerous Classes, and for Juvenile Offenders. By Mary Carpenter.

[From an elaborate examination a the facts upon the subject, the author of this volume is of opinion that common schools, Sunday schools, Ragged schools, and even Feeding schools, are useless, or at least very inefficient for reforming the outcasts of society. She therefore recommends the establish- ment of special reformatory schools" by public authority, to which the Magistrates should have power to send all juvenile offenders ; the cost of their maintenance being chargeable on their parents, or the parish to which they belong. The certain effects of such schools as a national system is not made clear ; for that which can be done occasionally under agents self- , devoted to the task by some natural aptitude, is quite a different thing from what can be accomplished by law or as a regular business. The best and largest portion of the book relates to the actual condition of the outcast poor, and the failure of the existing attempts to benefit them. The facts are drawn from journals or public documents; and though not new, are inte- resting and telling in their concatenation.]

The Jesuits, their Rise and Progress, Doctrines and Morality ; with numerous Extracts from their own Writers. By T. IL Usborne, descriptive of journies and adventures in the countries mentioned in the Agabus, or the Last of the Druids; an Historical Poem.. l,hy Esther le Hardy.

[The scene of this poem is laid in Jersey, the native place of the writer. The subject is the persecution of the "last of the Druids" by the Romanists ;

and the poem closes with a prophecy of the Papal downfall, and the glorie i s of Queen Victoria. The style s after that of Byron.] Lyrics of Spain and Erin. By Edward Maturin, Author of "Monte- zuma,' &c. [A series of ballads and ballad-tales on Spanish and Irish subjects, followed by a few miscellaneous poems. There is something Milesian in the fluency and flow of the verse, but the poems have not sufficient mark to require de- tailed notice. It is an American publication.] Great Exhibition, 1851: Official Descriptive and Illustrated Catalogue. Part II.. Classes Y. to X. Machinery.

The reprints are not many. Mr. Cliffe publishes a second edition of his very excellent guide to North Wales, with additions; "National Ballads" was a series of lyrics against Popery, written before the late aggression' and now republished with new pieces : the subjects are generally eventsfrom English history, written in the manner of Mrs. 'lemma : the "Life and Es- cape of W. Wells Brown from American Slavery," is a cheap tract-like book.

The Book of North Wales. Scenery, Antiquities, Highways and By- ways, Lakes, Streams, and Railways. By Charles Frederick ORM, Author of "The Book of South Wales." Second edition. With a Map and Illustrations. National Ballads, Patriotic and Protestant. By M. A. Stodart, Author of "Principles of Education," &e. A new edition, with Additional Pieces.

Illustrated Edition of the Life and Escape of William Wells Brown from American Slacery. 1Yritten by Himself. Fourteenth thousand. PRINTS.

Sir Robert Peel, Bart. Painted by II. W. Piekersgill, R.A. ; engraved by George Raphael Ward.

Portrait of Rae/ac!. Painted by Edward Dubufe; engraved by J. Richardson Jackson.


Address to the Royal Geographical Society of London ; delivered at the Anniversav Meeting on the 26th of May 1851. By Captain W. H. Smyth, R.N., &c., President. A Letter to Professor J. Y. Simpson, President of the Royal College of Physicians, &70., concerning the Resolutions recently passed by that body in reference to the Therapeutic Practice commonly called Homteopathy. By William Macleod, M.D., &c. A Medical Man's Plea for a Winter Garden in the Crystal Palace.