19 JULY 1851, Page 7


Possibly owing to the Cattle Show at Windsor, which has drawn large contingents from the country, and also in some degree to the fineness of the weather, the numbers of persons who have visited the Exposition this week have been above the average. On Tuesday the number rose to the unprecedented amount of 74,122; and the sum of 35091. 88. was taken at the doors. Those who began to think that the "shilling folks" had ceased to take an interest in the contents of the Glass Palace will have to think the matter over again.

A rumour of some interest is, that the City of Paris intends shortly to fete the Royal Commissioners, including Prince Albert—if he will go.

A question has been raised between the directors and the tenants of the "Metropolitan Chambers, Spitalfields." Lord Ebrington was scandalized at seeing some women in the coffeeroom ; shortly afterwards an order was issued forbidding the admission of women visitors : the tenants, offended at this, protested; the "bold language " of their protest offended the directors, and the order was made peremptory. As a last resource, the tenants have published the correspondence in the Times. They aver that the visits of women have been few, and that inmates have no place to see their female relatives and friends except in the coffeeroom; so that Lord Ebrington's rule will force them to the public-house.

A trial at the Central Criminal Court last week was remarkable not only for the circumstances of the ease, but still more for the plea of insanity by which an acquittal was sought. James Huggins, an attorney, in his thirty- seventh year, was indicted for setting fire to a dwellinghouse, two persons lying therein at the time ; there were also counts charging intent to defraud insurance-othees. The case was very conclusively made out. Huggins had agreed to purchase the house 52 Lime Street ; he had effected heavy insu- rances on it, though it was in a dilapidated state; and there were only a few tables and chairs within it. William Strong and his wife lived in the house to take care of it. One night they found there was a fire in the lower part. It was extinguished without having taken any firm hold on the tenement. Firemen and Police discovered that the fire had been prepared : in the cel- lar there were curious contrivances for gradually firing the wood-work and the flooring of the room above. The utensils employed had been made by tradesmen for Mr. Huggins. Witnesses spoke to circumstances showing when he had prepared for firing the place. Of course, if the house had broken into flames during the night, the Strongs, living in the second floor, would have been in peril. The witnesses for the prosecution were not cross- examined.

Mr. Bodkin, for the prisoner, said he should make no attempt to combat the facts, but should endeavour to show that Mr. Huggins was not in a state of mind to render him criminally responsible. Ile called a number of wit- nesses. Mrs. Anne Huggins, sister of the prisoner, stated that two of his brothers had died of disease of the brain. l'risoner was very excitable ; he would not go into mourning for his hither; his manners in the last few 3-eam had been "very strange." Two servants spoke to the strange and passion- ate behaviour of Mr. Huggins. He had beaten his wife, without provoca- tion; during her confinement he was cruel to her ; he had thrown knives at her. Be would leave his own house for the night, and go to an .empty house a little way off to sleep. A nurse also described his cruelty to his wife. Ho "frequently growled like a savage dog." lie suffered a good deal in his head ; one of the servants pumped on his head in the morning. Cross- examination removed some Of the strangeness of the man's conduct. He had a room fitted up in a cottage where he went to sleep ; he brought papers home at night, and he said he left the house to avoid the noise of the children. Dr. Sawyer spoke of the prisoner's state in 1848. He complain d niuch of his head :. Dr. Sawyer had no doubt that at times he was incapable of distinguishing between right and wrong ; but the witness did not feel justified in giving a certificate to have hint restrained ; he advised that be should refrain from business, but that advice does not seem to have been fol- lowed. Huggins had told him that he felt a strong desire to commit suicide. Mr. Justice Wightman asked the witness, whether the circumstance of the prisoner representing that he felt a desire to commit suicide, and not carry- ing it Out, did not indicate that he was suite capable of distinguishing be- tween what was right and wrong ? The witness said it did, to some extent; but it did not alter his opinion with regard to the prisoner's state of mind. Dr. Connelly, of Hanwell, was of opinion that the prisoner's mind was not now perfectly sound. He would not say he was incapable of distinguishing between right and wrong ; many insane persons knew the distinction : at Hartwell mad people would do what was wrong, and then say they could not be hurt for it as they were known to be insane. Hard pressed by counsel, the witness said, he was of opinion that the prisoner was in such a state of mind as to be tempted to commit a crime, and not be able to resist ; but at the same time he might be able to distinguish between right and wrong. Sir Alexander Morrison, physician of Bethlehem, was of opinion that Burins was insane. It was a very common thing for persons in such a state to attend to their ordinary business and at certain times to be in such a state as not to have any control over their actions. From all he had heard in this case, he bad no doubt that the prisoner was labouring under a disor- dered state of mind ; but it was impossible to say what extent of judgment and discretion remained.

Mr. Clarkson, in replying for the prosecution, pointed out the deliberation and art manifested in the arson, and that the prisoner had practised as an attorney for years without any insinuation that his mind was impaired. It was necessary for the safety of the public that the Jury should throw the evidence of the "mad doctors" overboard. Mr. Justice 1Viglatman directed the Jury, that a man was held irresponsible with regard to a particular act when he could not distinguish whether the act was right or wrong, and not under any other circumstances. The Jury quickly returned a verdict of "Guilty." In passing sentence, the Judge said, the Jury were not satisfied with the evidence to support the defence that had been set up of insanity ; and he thought they had come to a right conclusion ; for it would be danger- ous indeed if a man who had for a great many years fulfilled all the ordi- nary duties of life, without any suggestion of his incompetency to perform those duties, were to be excused from the consequences of a desperate crime because he might from irritability of temper or any other cause have some delusions upon other subjects. Judgment of death was recorded; to be com- muted to transportation.

Cauty and Tyler, the old men who stole the cash-box of the London and Westminster Bank, were sentenced to be transported for ten years. Cauty stated that no one in the bank had been connected with the robbery.

What appears to have been a case of oppression, by the Woods and Forests, came to light at Marlborough Street Police-office on Wednesday. Ann Hicks, a miserable-looking woman, was charged with attempting to sell cakes near the Crystal Palace. She stated that she had once been the happy occupant of a stall in the Park, which had descended to her from her grand-

father and father ; the former having assisted to save George the Second from drowninr,' in the Serpentine. About seven years ago, Lord Lincolnyer- mitted her to build a stone lodge in the Park ; she spent all her savings, 1301., in erecting it. In November last, Lord Seymour ordered all stalls to be removed from the Park. Mrs. Hicks appealed in vain ; she was ejected, her lodge pulled down, and only a year's lodging-money at 5s. a week given to her—no compensation for her lodge. To gain support, she had tried to sell cakes in the Park. Mr. Hardwick had seine difficulty in making her understand that it was an offence to sell cakes in the Park. If she would promise never to do the like again, he would discharge her. She could not promise. What was she to do to support herself and child ? She supposed her fate would be the same as had attended the other poor creatures who bad been deprived of their bread by the Commissioners. One who had kept a stand for twenty years at the Victona Gate had gone out of her mind inconse- quence of this eviction ; a second was in Kensington Workhouse; a third was in St. George's Workhouse ; ancl she met a fourth that morning, nearly broken-hearted, trying to sell medals in the Park. Mr. Hardwick said the law must be obeyed. Mrs. Hicks said she would sell no more—she would beg. Mr. Hardwick told her that was equally a crime. After some further parley, a reluctant promise not to sell cakes in the Park again was extracted, and she was set at liberty. Subscriptions have begun to arrive for the poor woman; who would seem to have been sacrificed, with the other keepers of stalls, that no refreshments might be sold in the Park except within the "free trade" Crystal Palace.

Michael Connor, a labourer, has been sent to prison by the Westminster Magistrate for stealing metal mouldings from windows in the Parliament Palace. He had been employed on the works seven 3-ears; no fewer than forty-one windows had been stripped of the mouldings at divers times ; a watch was set, and Connor was detected with some of metal upon him.

Mrs. Debenham, a baker's wife at Kilburn, had, unknown to her husband, saved 2501., which she kept in a bag between her bed and mattress. Last Friday morning, she found that 1221., all in sovereigns, had been stolen. Suspicion fell upon Alfred Millen a journeyman who had been recently die- missed ; he was arrested, and taken before the Marylebone Magistrate. The circumstances of suspicion seemed sufficiently strong to warrant a remand for a week ; but Mr. Broughton offered to take moderate bail.

A deputation of gentlemen living in Great Alie Street have complained to the Thames Magistrate of an intolerable nuisance caused by a manufacturer who roasts chicory and grain in that neighbourhood. Persons are not only annoyed by the hotpungent fumes from the factory, but they lose their health —dryness of the throat, nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite, are the re- sults, as dose: ibed by a surgeon. Mr. Ingham could not help the complain- ants: they must indict for a nuisance. As the deputation retired, one ex- claimed, " We may thank Sir Charles Wood for this burnt chicory manu- factory !"

A correspondent of the Times complains of "English Thuggism." The other night, when near his home in a public thoroughfare, he was pounced upon by two or three men, almost suffocated by something: pressed round his throat, and forced down a gateway ; he was then robbed of his watch and money, and left insensible. He believes that such outrages are not rare, and that the Police conceal them from publicity. The Commissioners of Police have refused licences to some eight hundred cab-drivers, as bad characters or as drunkards. The Commissioners announ- ced last year that they should make inquiries respecting the drivers, and is the result. Consternation prevails among the respectable fraternity. A man died on Sunday morning from having been trampled on by the crowd during the Queen's visit to the City. SaninerShittfin,:_it labourer, employed iii,ailfrtiiiiitlfettlgware Road, where he had beeh mowitig; idept, aleng.-With-litherlatiottrArsren a rick twenty 'feet high; he got up iu his sleep, fell over the edge Of the rick, and broke hia Parfittr a porter at the Paddington terniiuus, has been killed by a sing nlar accident. He was walking along the platform,. when a barrel of yeast Lu rst ; the head of' the cask struck bins, he was blown a long distance through the air,, fell on the roadway, and died in a very short time.

A fire which broke out on Sunday afternoon in the extensive premises of Messrs. Drew and Co., wholesale druggists,. Bush Lane, was not mast t vett by the firemen till property valued at some 70001. was destroyed. Spontaneous combustion is conjectured. The firemen were in much danger, for each thior was covered with lead, and the molten metal dripped in 6.owers!'as the firer

reached it. . . , -