There has been no new feature in regard. to the position of the English Funds : the fluctuations have again been moderate. Occasionally the public have been inclined to realize : in this they have been influenced by the con- tinued heaviness on the French and other Continental exchanges, and front a fear that the return of bullion by the Bank of England this week will be unfavourable. Attention has also been directed to the new political crisis In Spain. Consols, after being j lower, have rallied, and closed yesterday with firmness at the quotation of last week. Today the money. price has not altered, being 95 I; but they are quoted lower for the Account, namely, 9544. Exchequer Bills continue in demand, and there has been a further rise of 2s. this week. Bank Stock is 1 lower. India Stock hits not altered. The decline in French Stocks has amounted to about per cent : they have been in part sustained by the recent pur- chases on English account. Money is now abundant in the Stock Exchange and the discount-market, and is worth about 3/ per cent ; and should there be any mitigation in the remittances of gold to Paris, of which there is some hope, this ease would be increased, owing to the con- stant arrivals of specie and anticipation of further large sums from various quarters, including 500,000/. in gold from Constantinople, expected during the present month ; the half-yearly dividends on American &ecurities held in England, and about 300,000/. as payment of the Texan indemnity. The Corn-market has been firm. The gold and specie arrivals this week have comprised 399,000/. from New York, and 428,000/. from Australia.
Foreign Stocks have been steady, and there have been fewer transactiona in most descriptions. Spanish Securities have declined; the unfavourable intelligence from Madrid causing some considerable sales : the Three per Cents arc 11, and Deferred 1 lower. Russian and Buenos Ayres have &lien 1. Turkish. Six per Cents have advanced 1; Ditto Four per Cents, and Mexican 1.
In Railways, some weakness was exhibited early in the week ; but it was partly owing to the settlement of the Account, arranged on Tuesday. Yes- terday a favourable reaction occurred : several of the leading lines rose 10s. to 158.; but today they have receded. Great Western has fallen 1/. 10s., being now 601 1. London and North-Western is the same as last week. The following are lower-Edinburgh and Glasgow, 1/. ; London and South- Western, 15s. ; South-Eastern and Midland, 5s. East Lancashire, 2/. ; Great Northern, 1/. higher. There will soon be more fluctuations, based on the merits of the Directors' reports preparatory to the forthcoming meetings. The dividend proposed to be declared by the Brighton Company on the 24th instant had no effect on that security.
In French Shares, Paris and Orleans have fallen 1/. 10s. ; Eastern of France, 11.; Western and North-Western of France, 108.
In the English Market no alteration has yet occurred ; Consols for Money are 951 4, and for Account 95H. Exchequer Bills 204 premium. The bullion return by the Bank of England shows a decrease of 232,613/. There was an arrival of specie yesterday by the West India steamer Tyne amount- ing to 209,0001., of which nearly 130,000/. was gold. In the Foreign Market prices are nominal. In Railways there is no excitement-Great Western, 614; London and North-Western, 108; South Devon, 164.
The English Funds have exhibited great steadiness since the morning, and there is no difference in quotations ; Consols for Money are 964 4, and for Account 951 4. Exchequer Bills 20 4 premium. Consol Scrip 41 pre- mium. In Foreign Stocks, Venezuela has advanced 2j; the bargains in the- Active have been at 311 1 2; Ditto Deferred 13 14; Buenos Ayres, 87; Granada New Active, 192 Ditto Deferred, 71.
Railways are rather firmer-Caledonian, 61; Eastern Counties, 101; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 63; Great Northern, 964; Great Wetiteru, 61 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 98; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 109; London and North-Western, 1071; London and South-Western, 107,, Midland, 831; North-Eastern-Berwick, 871; South-Eastern, 744; East Indian, 241. Mines-Brazilian Imperial, (issued at 51. prennurn,) 3; Cobre Copper, 59. Joint Stock Banks-Australasia, 1031; British North American 681-; City, 73; London' 891; Loudon Chartered Bank of Aus- tralia, 20) • "London and County, 341 Oriental Bank Corporation, 41; Ottoman :Ink, 13; South Australia, 364; Union of Australia, 72; Union of London, 28/. Miscellaneous-Australian Agricultural, 27t; Canada Government 6 per Cent January and July, 115; General Stearn :olvigation, 271; Royal Mail Steam, 724.
Dutch 21 per Cents 64 6
Ditto 4 per Cents 96 8 Mexican 3 per Cents 221 31 Peruvian 41 per Cents 81 3 Ditto 3 per Cents 57 9 Portuguese 4 per Cents 49 51 Russian 5 per Cents Ill 13 Ditto 41 per Cents 98 100 Spanish 3 per Cents 44 5 Ditto Deferred 23/ 1 Sardinian 5 per Cents 91 3 Swedish 4 per Cents 85 8 Turkish 6 per Cents 1031 4/
Ditto 4 per Cents Guaranteed 106 4
3 per Cent Consols 95 Ditto for Account 95 1 3 per Cent Reduced 95 New 3 per Cents 96 a Long Annuities 3 Bank Stock 216 18 Exchequer Bills 20 4 inn.
India Stock 233 6 Austrian 5 per Cents 87 90 Brazilian 5 per Cents 101 3 Belgian 41 per Cents 95 7 Chaian 6 per Cents 104 6 Danish 5 per Cents 103 5
Ditto 3 per Cents 835
An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, Cap. 32, for the week ending on fisturaay, the 19th day of July 1856.
ISern DEPASTNENT. • -Notes issued 426,273,505 Government Debt £11,018,100
- Other Securities 3.459,900 Gold Coin and Bullion 11,798,605 Silver Bullion — 426,273,605 420,273,605
-Proprietors' Capital 414,553,000
-Rest 3,320,532 Public Deposits' 2,547,600 Other Deposits 12,698,812 'Seven Days and other Bills 675,690 433,996,534 /33,996,524 • Including Exchequer, Saving-Banks, Commissioners of National Debt, & Dividend Accts.
RAILWAY annanomintrrs.
The report of the Directors of the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway, states that the gross revenue for the half-year has been 342,678/. • an increase of 32,2631. over the same period of 1855. They maintain friendly relations with both the neighbouring Railway Companies. The net amount to the credit of revenue is 115,683/. : out of this a dividend is proposed of 2/. 108. per cent for the half-year ; leaving a balance of 2191.
At the half-yearly meeting of the London and Westminster Bank, on Wednesday, a dividend and bonus at the rate of 16 per cent per annum were declared. The report of the Directors was very favourable; though several new joint-stock banks now compete with the older ones in London, the business of the.London and Westminster still increases largely ; the de- posits now amount to 11,170,010!.; the surplus fund is 147,7121.; the net profits for the last half-year were 92,112/. The new Temple Bar branch has been exceedingly successful.
The Union Bank of London, at a meeting on Wednesday, declared a divi- dend of 5 per cent and a bonus of 5 per cent for the half-year ending June 30; making a distribution of 171 per cent for the year, while for the half- year 15,000/. is carried to the reserve-fund. The business of the bank has been good, and the Temple BAY branch has fully realized the expectations of its success. The amount due by the bank to customers is 9,045,606!.; the reserve-fund is 135,000/.
The dividend of the London Joint-Stock Bank for the past half-year is at the rate of 221 per cent per annum. The report laid before the half-yearly meeting on Thursday told of continued progress—increase both of deposits and profits. The amount of deposits is now 7,873,9531.; the guarantee fund is 163,2661.
The report submitted to the first annual meeting of the proprietors of the City Bank, on Thursday, was considered to be very satisfactory. The pro- fits obtained in less than eleven months have been 21,794/., and 12,000/. premiums on new shares from the total of these two sums, sifter paying all
current expenses including the remuneration to the Directors, allowing for rebate of interest, writing off the whole of the preliminary expenses--31181. —paying 1000/. on account of the new building' and commencing a reserve- fund with 10,000/., the Directors were enabled to propose a dividend of 5 per cent per annum ; leaving a surplus of 2367/. The amount due to cus- tomers at 30th June was 786,581/. The Directors propose to keep this really a " City " bank, establishing no branches in other parts of the town.
At a special meeting of the National Discount Company, on Tuesday, it was resolved to double the nominal capital, making it 2,000,000!., by issuing 40,000 new shares, on which 51. each shall be paid by the 1st January 1867.
The St. Katherine Dock Company have declared an increased dividend for the last ha1f-year-21 per cent.
The "St. James's Hall Company," with a capital of 40,000/., is pro- jected for the construction of a vast music-hall for the use of the West-end of London, to be erected between the Regent's Quadrant and Piccadilly the great room to exceed Exeter Hall in length and height, but not in width. Messrs. Benedict, Beale, Chappell, Min, Leader, G. Smith, and Addison, are named as Directors.
A very active business is going on both at St. Petersburg and at Riga. CRYSTAL PALACE.—Return of admissions for six days ending Friday July 18, including season-ticket-holders, 56,420.
Government Securities (Inclu- ding Dead WeightAnnulty) 414,208,664 Other Securities 13,778,626 Notes 5,434,720 Gold and Silver Coin 579,724