Madame Viardot Had A Musical Matinee On Wednesday, Got Up
with her characteristic elegance. It was in the Dudley Gallery in the Egypt- ian Hall; a fine room, hung with Lord Ward's collection of works of the old masters, so that the......
A Musical Establishment On A Vast Scale Has Been Set
on foot at the Surrey (no longer Zoological) Gardens, in the form of a Joint-Stock Company under the Limited Liability Act. A concert-hall has been erected, capable of......
64tatr7 5 Nut Lilutir.
Madame Ristori took her benefit at the Lyceum on Monday afternoon, and made the public acquainted with the Francesca da Rimini of Silvio Faille° ; a work in which guilty deeds......
Parisian Twitararearn.
The Vaudeville, which reopened for the season at the end of last week, remains faithful to its peculiar style of ethical teaching. A young gen- tleman ' who is'attached to a......
Mademoiselle Wagner Has Appeared At Her Majesty's Theatre...
second diameter—Lucre:an Borgia—which she performed for the first time on Saturday last, and repeated on Tuesday. It has not strength- ened the impression made by her previous......
Money Market.
STOCK ESC/LANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. There has been no new feature in regard. to the position of the English Funds : the fluctuations have again been moderate. Occasionally the......