Madame Viardot had a musical matinee on Wednesday, got up
with her characteristic elegance. It was in the Dudley Gallery in the Egypt- ian Hall; a fine room, hung with Lord Ward's collection of works of the old masters, so that the company enjoyed the two slater arts at the same time. Some charming vocal music was performed. Madame Viardot sang Rossini's brilliant rondo "Pensa alla patina" from the Italiana in Algeri ; Schubert's wild ballad the ErlkOnig, which she gave with im- mense dramatic power ; and several of the quaint old French and Spanish ditties, which, like her sister kalibran, she sings with so much national character. She also sang, with Madame Clara Novell% a beau- tiful duet from Handers Rinaldo—a gem which lay hid till she discover- ed it ; and Meyerbeer's "Mere-Grand," the pretty -dialogue between a young errand her watchful grandmother, which Jemiy-Lind produced at one of her concerts. There was also some fine instrumental music ; particularly the andante and finale of Beethoven's famous "Hreutzer sonata" for piano and violin ; admirably executed by 112116 and Ban- zini—the latter an excellent violinist, little known as yet in London. •