PARISIAN Twitararearn.
The Vaudeville, which reopened for the season at the end of last week, remains faithful to its peculiar style of ethical teaching. A young gen- tleman' who is'attached to a most disreputable lady, and is ultimately freed from the embarrassing liaison, partly by the exertions of a true friend, partly by the reappearance of the lady's husband, supposed to be dead, is the principal character of the inaugurating novelty; which has been written by M. Adrien Decourcelle, and is entitled Les Amours Forces.
Interesting pirates are now the order of the day. Le Corsaire having changed Paris for London, a new hero of the same class arises at the Porte St. Martin ; and as his origin is somewhat obscure, he gives to the piece in which he figures the title Le Fits de la lcuit. The drama has been produced in splendid style. The author is M. Victor Sejour.
The aggregate receipts of all the places of public amusement during the month of June amounted to 835,192 francs 55 centimes ; being a decrease of 342,253 francs 60 centimes on the receipts of May. The diminution • extends to every item of which the aggregate is composed, and may be considered to indicate that general pause in Parisian gayeties which' usually takes place in the summer months.