19 JULY 1902, Page 22

My Lady Peggy Goes to Town. By Frances Aymar Mathews.

(Grant Richards. 6s.)—Lady Peggy goes to London, masquerades there in man's dress, and has to encounter adventures and perils that are far more serious than masquerading. The tale is good enough, but it is ill-told. There is a certain rodomontade in the style that we found at times inexpressibly wearisome. The scene is laid at some period not well defined. We hear of highwaymen, and so can hardly go later than the eighteenth century; on the other hand, we read about "Sir Robin Moffatt, twenty-third Baronet," a quite puzzling description, seeing that Baronets were not invented till 1611 (the "Premier Baronet" is the thirteenth, tilting the average of twenty-two years for each tenure).