The Austrian Government Watches The Attempts Which The...
is making to cultivate good relations with Great Britain with somewhat mixed feelings. It is pleased, of course, that its great ally should be persona grata any- where, but it......
The King Is Progressing Towards Convalescence In A Most...
manner. The wound is healing so rapidly that the doctors see no further necessity for issuing daily bulletins; and on Tuesday his Majesty was carefully removed to his yacht at......
The King Of Italy, Who Is Visiting Russia, Appears To
have been warmly received by the Czar, though at the State banquet at Peterhof the speeches were unusually con- ventional. The visit is watched with some jealousy both in......
Should It Prove Impossible For Sir Michael Hicks Beach To
continue as Chancellor of the Exchequer, which seems certain, we trust that Mr. Balfour may be induced to -follow the example of Mr. Pitt and Mr. Gladstone and be his own......
The Emotion Of Loyalty At First Manifested By The Boers
is said to be exhausting itself, many of them exhibiting a decidedly sullen temper. They are angry at the cession of certain dis- tricts of the Transvaal to Natal, and at the......
The New French Premier, M. Combes, Is Fighting The Roman
Catholic Church through the police, which is a grave mistake. The unauthorised Orders have transferred their two thousand schools nominally to laymen, and demand that if they......
Who Will Succeed Lord Cadogan As Viceroy Has Not Yet
been determined. Possibly Mr. Balfour will prefer the plan which obtained in his own case, and the new Viceroy will not be in the Cabinet,—Ireland being represented there by the......
The Vatican Has Not Succeeded In Its Negotiations With...
about the Philippines. The friars of the great Orders, who have large property there, are detested by the Filipinos, and the American Government were anxious that they should be......