Mr. de Valera seems to have been well received on
Thursday week at his first meeting in his native city of New York. His Irish-American compatriots hooted President Wilson, Mr. Lloyd George, and the League of Nations, and cheered them- selves hoarse for the " President of the Irish Republic." Mr. de Valera, so far as we know, is still an American citizen, but trifles of this kind do not weigh with excited partisans. We note with interest that Mr. Walsh, one of the Shan Fein " com- missioners " to Ireland, repaid Mr. Lloyd George's excessive courtesy by describing him as an " international trick mule." The Irish-Americans denounced the League of Nations with much fervour as an " Anglo-American affiance that will injure America and benefit England." It is a strange inversion of the truth, but an Irish-American politician will say anything.