The Motto Of The Keiths.
(To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR, —In the first leading article in your issue of the 12th inst. reference is made to " the fine old Jewish apophthegm : "Flier say. What......
Ancient Lights And Modern Revivals. (to The Editor Of The
" SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In your leading article " The Future of the Turk " you refer to " the fine old Jewish apophthegm : They say. What say they? Let them say.' " But is it of......
Public Extravagance In Ireland. (to The Editor Or The "
SPECTATOR."] SIR, —Can nothing be done to put a stop to the wanton extravagance now in operation in Ireland ? As jobs aro distributed in turn to the two political parties, the......
Statistical Data.
(To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR, —It is a matter of common knowledge to all who have had occasion to use official statistics, whether published or Depart- mental, that......
A Conference Of Modern Churchmen. [to The Editor Of The
" SPECTATOR.".1 SIR, — The Conference of Churchmen of Modernist tendencies, which is held every year under the auspices of the Church- men's Uuion, met this year on July 7th in......