Lord Desborough's Committee, which has been inquiring into the Police
Service throughout the oountry, has proposed in its first Report to fix a standard of pay, pensions, and allowances for all the forces, large and small. Constables are to begin with 70s. a• week, rising to 90s. in ten years, with additions for good conduct and efficiency. Sergeants are to start. at £5 • a week. All ranks are to have free house; or- quarters, or- allowances in lieu of them. A normal eight-hours day is- to be observed, with extra pay for overtime. The constable's boot allowance is fixed at eighteenpence a week, which seems- moderate in view of the massive proportions of the policeman's boot. After twenty-five years' service a policeman may retire with a pension equal to half his pay. The State is to contribute at least half of the cost of the police. The Committee recommends the for- mation of a national representative body within the Police Force, to ensure that grievances may be discussed and remedied. The Home Secretary has introduced a Bill enabling him to effeot the reforms proposed by the Committee. The Bill authorizes the establishment of a Police Federation for all ranks below that of Superintendent, and forbids police officers, on pain of dismissal, to become or to remain members of any Trade Union. It is important that this measure should become law without delay.