Our American contemporary Life, at once mordant and urbane, fiery
and good-tempered, as befits the lucent and stimulating air of New York, has the following, delightful re- minder of the existence of the Middle Class and what the world owes to it :— " A STRIKE THAT WAS SUPPRESSED.
Washington.—With regard to the strike of a group of middle- class people, the officials announce that-it has been suppressed. They have also requested the papers not to notice the affair, as it is recognized that the middle classes are quite numerous, and if generally aware-of their power, might possibly -eaillSe trouble.- Your correspondent• was fortunately able to get. a copy of the manifesto, which is herewith appended : To Oue • RULERS.
We are the middle-class people of-America.
We are the bulwark of the nation, supplying most of the cash and practically all of the brains and common
We have• hitherto kept quiet- and- gone about' our business.
In return for this the government officials have allowed themselves to be ruled on the - one hand by the politicians and on the other by the labor vote.
We have been taxed to death.
We have seen a Congress, reckless of consequence and stupid beyond the imaginings of any coal-oil Johnnie, squander our- hard-earned wealth, while foreign- laborers, tax-free, have snapped their fingers in our face& The United States Treasury is empty. We are tired of incompetence, profiteering, graft in high places and sectional,partisanship. We— Here the manifesto, stops. The man who was writing it was caught red-handed- by Ait- member of the Cabinet. • His -fate has not been learned, but it is rumored-that he has been incarcerated for life in the snbcellar of the Treasury building."