Though blue roses and yellow sweet-peas have not yet been Produced by the selectors and hybridisers the expansion of colour proceeds in the making of most garden flowers. Among hardy garden carnations what could be inure curious than the mix- ture of tints in " Caliban," and the colours consort at least as well as the Silks or wools of an Eastern rug. Next door to a glorious bunch of this carnation were exhibited plants of the hydrangea Nederschlum which is a hard, bright, uniform and, so to say, unwhitened blue and La Marne which is purple. Almost every tint, especially of startling blues and purple ; has been bred into Iris Kaempbheri with perhaps the variety Asazanoi in the lead. In sweet-peas the variety Black Diamond is almost as dark as Tulipa Noire ; and incidentally there is a new white variety that frequently has six, or inure, flowers to the stem. In roses the dwarf polyanthus Gloria Ulundi is in keeping with the new achievements in the com- bination of red and orange, so is the new H.T. ‘' Violet
Simpson." * * * a