Flower Colouas.
Though blue roses and yellow sweet-peas have not yet been Produced by the selectors and hybridisers the expansion of colour proceeds in the making of most garden flowers. Among......
Doubtless The Use Of The Tops For Food Needs Attention
to detail. In a recent experience where excess of this ration was given to some Friesian cows the animals flourished ex- ceedingly and their supply of milk was large ; but it......
Whose Pigeon ?
I have been unable to find the owners of a ringed pigeon found dead by a correspondent near Downderry, St. Germans, Cornwall. The ring bears the legend Turp 29E 795. Perhaps the......
This - Hedgehog Was Purposely Imported To Be Of Service In
the garden ; but it happens by a curious coincidence that three times within the last month or so I have beard of the Surprising appearance of hedgehogs in gardens, one of them......
Country Life
YET CEIEAPER LAND. From time to time I have given examples here of the absurdly low price of land in many parts of England. A really pitiful instance is to be added to the list.......
The Farm Just Sold At £4 10s. An Acre Was
known at one time as good land ; but land of this sort of goodness is no longer of value anywhere. It answers to the general description of wheat and bean land ; and nowhere in......
British Sugar.
A certain Cornish farmer who has recently begun to grow sugar beet and is delighted with the crop reckons that the feeding value of the tops is worth not less than £4 an acre. I......
Cat And Bedgf.hog.
A photograph is being taken this week of the queerest animal friendship that ever I heard of. The scene is a house in the same street where the Spertalor is p u blished. Sonic......
A Forester's Exsan•le.
It is pleasant, because not common, to hear of progress in any product of English acres ; and for this reason a success of Lord Camden on his Kent property is worth con-......