The Colonial Conference
The Colonial Conference has finished its work in London. A meeting of representatives of the Crown Colonies, Protectorates and Mandated Territories must be of value to the Empire and, we hope, has been of great encouragement to men who must sometimes feel exiled from the mother country and disregarded by Downing Street unless. they get into trouble. It was no meeting of grabbers or beggars, though, of course, many of them besides our unhappy sugar colonies might like to dip their fingers in the Mother's pockets (and we wish they did not find them so bare to-day), often for the best purposes in the world. They discussed many problems of constructive value, communications of all kinds, fisheries, forestry, marketing, &e. They also urged again the formation of a regular Colonial Service similar to the Diplomatic or Indian Civil. This would probably give a splendid trained body of men, but we cannot be so ungrateful as to forget the magnificent services given to the Empire by many men, particularly many fine soldiers, who have of a purpose or even by chance found themselves in positions of great importaisee
in the Colonies.