ST. PETER AND THE PROFILE. By John North. (Jarrolds. 7s.
6d.)—Towards the end of this book; one of its young heroes says to the girl with the profile, "You've been reading too many serial stories." That accusation might be made against Mr. North, whose light bubble of a novel is the suspected outcome of magazine thrillers, easy comedies and a romantic heart. Yet- light as it is, there is vitality in its frothiness and the tale of Miss Mellor's adventures makes pleasant reading for a summer day. When we first meet her she is troubled by a headache and a ladder in her stocking, and is returning early from her office. She is accosted near the Greenwich Observatory by an elderly eccentric, who addresses her as Athena, makes a sketch of her lovely profile and writes some poetry on the back of her pay envelope. When they part, she goes to her home and he to his death.