A Partridge Farm
Two queries have reached me about the zoological meaning of a reference in the speech of the chairman at the annual meeting of the I.C.I. The research work to which he referred is of singular interest both to sportsmen and to naturalists, In a charming valley at the edge of a great estate in Hertford- shire a partridge farm of a quite new definition was brought into being. Partridge and cartridge rhyme ; but putting aside this unfortunate collocation, the partridge is one of the most interesting birds that flies (and runs) ; and though the partridge farm was doubtless set up for the sake of the cartridge, it is welcome on its own account, for it is under the management of a genius in aviculture. Many small but suggestive discoveries have already been made ; and for any observer the sight of all these flourishing coveys running about in the rough grass and yellow bedstraw growing on that delectable slope is entirely fascinating.