News Of The Week
T HE Abyssinian situation has during the past week remained static on the political side, but by no means so on the military, for Italy continues to pour men and munitions into......
M. Laval's Economies M. Laval Has Tackled The Economy...
heroically, but his courage may spell his downfall. Expenditure is to be reduced by no less than 11,000,000,000 francs-- 1146,000,000—as result of cuts ranging from 10 per cent.......
There Are Indeed Faint Foreshadowings Of Possible...
assume either a hopeful or a sinister shape. The British Government shows signs of favouring a plan resembling that outlined in a leading article in last week's Spectator......
Ovricns : 99 Gower St., London, W.c. 1. Tel. Lleluseum.
1721. Entered as seconcl.class Mail Matter at the New York, N.Y. Post Office, Dec. 23rd, 1896. Postal subscription 308. per annum, to any part of the world. Postage on this......