Harvest and Haysel
In many more places than is usual—in Scotland, as in Wales and England—we shall see this year the ceincidence of harvest and haysel. For various reasons haymaking was late ; and the crop increased in weight and quality almost beyond precedent during the weeks when diffident farmers were holding their hand. In my experience white clover grew at astonishing speed during this interval. Some harvest will be exceptionally early, though not most of it. Winter- sown crops were put into the ground with more than usual promptitude last year, and of these the oats have grown and ripened admirably. Some of the oats in the extreme West of Wales, where harvest is usually later than in the East, arc already white and in very full ear ; and I hear of similar appearances in Scotland. One early crop grows along- side a hay field where only the headlands were cut last week. The late cutting has saved a good many ground-nesting birds.