[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.]
SIR,-.-The course of the Italo-Abyssinian dispute shows the . necessity of, an Interna Nothing could tional Police Force. .
show more clearly the bankruptcy, of the method of relying on member States to uphold the Covenants of. the League.
The plain fact is we must adapt our League machinery to the realities of the situation, or the League will disappear, and with it all hope of peace. What is needed is an Inter- national Police Force to net promptly and automatically in any case of armed. trespass. With such a force behind them governments would feel that they could exert economic pressure without exposing their countries to undue risks. Without some such security, international supervision and limitation, let alone reduction, of armaments is impossible. Only in this way can we ensure justice and remove the causes of war.—Yours faithfully, G. E. LEE. 81 Rydal Road, Streatham, S.W. 16.