Aeroplanes in Flames Shocking loss of life that would not
have occurred but for the outbreak of fire on a crashing aeroplane is again recorded this week. • The same story is constantly, repeated. In a lesser crash that might not prove fatal to pilots or passengers the inflammable petrol comes in contact with the .hot pipes and the whole machine bursts into flames. Is not this danger to aviation avoidable ? Sir J. T.. C. Moore-Brabazon in a letter to The Times, says Yes. It would be almost abolished if aeroplanes used the com- pression ignition engine with its nearly non-inflammable Diesel oil which is used in most forms of transport. Why, then, is it not used ? Because the petrol engine is superior for use on military machines, and military needs still appear to govern even civil aviation. But what an advantage this country would have in civilian flying the world over if our Air Ministry insisted on the use of non-inflammable oil.