19 JULY 1935, Page 3

• Members arc awaiting anxiously the production of the Government's

answer to Mr. Lloyd George's programme. Many feel that the Government was lulled into a false feeling of security when the programme was debated in the Cabinet and made no real attempt to find out if there was 4 practicable basis on which Mr. Lloyd George 'coulCI enter the Cabinet. They believe that a 'battle is now threatened between the apostles of 4 development policy and its opponents and that the Government must di) everything in their power to get themselves out of the position into which Mr. Lloyd George has manoeuvred them. They are particularly apprehensive lest the Govern- ment's answer should be merely a rehash of the White Paper that 'the Conservative Party issued in 1929, when a similar programme was produced. No doubt it satis- fied the Treasury Officials as being 'water-tight against criticism, but it brought the Party to disaster at the polls. * • * * * •