19 JULY 1935, Page 32

WITHOUT RESERVE By F. A. Hornlbrook A large proportion of

the adult population of Great. Britain has already reason to be grateful to Mr. Hornibrook for ttai benefits' received as a Consequence of that iafluentiar work; The Culture of the Abdomen. His new book (Heinemann, 7s. Od.) is no less sound. Mr. Hornibrook shows himself.an enlightened, progressive, and uncompromising surveyor of the world around him. He is a vigorous critic of all the forces, both public and personal, which make for warfare and encour- age the militaristic mind (and also of much of the official conduct of the last War) ; he attacks with a refreshing vigour the fantastic ballyhoo which disfigures international sport ; and he exposes with a_direct penetration which atones for the Wel( of subtlety in his writing the pretentious futility of many contemporary fashions. But his book is by no means all condemnation; he writes enthusiastically of Australia and New Zealand, entertainingly of his youth in Ireland, and with. excellent common sense on a variety of other topics of which he Ms:acquired a knowledge during his varied career. We commend Mr. Hornibrook's book both for the integrity of his, opinions and for the entertaining manner in which he illustrates them.