19 JULY 1935, Page 55

the Spectator" Crossword No. 147

By ZENO 14 prire of one guinea will be given to the render of the fir, t correct solution of this week's crossword .pozzle to be opened. Envelopes should be marked Crossword Poszle,". and Id. be received not later than first post on fl'oevelay. No envelopes will be opened olore noon on fnuesday. Solutions 8hodd be on the form appeariag below. The name v the winner will be published in our next issve. Envelopes containing solutione must bear three-halfpenny stamp, otherwise they are'snrcharged on a livery.]

2 3 4

6 7 1 8 9 ACROSS 1. Trivial garment ?

.87 This is kept in a pen.

16. This should be self-evident. 13. " Dost thou think, because thou art virtuous, there shall be no more cakes • and . . . ? "

15. 33 and this is the title of a famous novel of 1811. 18. Directs you to compare. 17. Winter sporting vehicle. 18. The third symphony of 9.. 19, Fragment of a song.

21. "Fame is the spur that the clear spirit cloth ... (That last infirmity of Noble mind) To scorn delights."

23. "let me have A dram of poison ; such soon-spending . .

As will disperse itself 'through all the veins." 24, rev. An American state which lacks nothing.

25. In 5.

26. The passageway found in 20, 27, rev. A . . by a mossy stone

Half hidden from the eye ! "

29. rev. This is becornang.

31. In 27 across.

32. Wife of the author of 23.

33. See 15: 34v An 'important person.


.1. One who gives the go-by ?. g. Excel, boar (anag.).

3. Found around tobacco and sweets.

4. Famous for his" Good-bYg." 5. ," The time has come,' the walrus Said, 'To talk of many things : Of shoes-and ships-and

ceiling -wax--

. • . and kings-'" ti. This ie not required. '7. Sounds like 13, but isn't.

8, Into a tan (anag.).

9, Composer who starts with a vegetable. 11. Of the middle division of tertiary strata. 32. Found in a cigarette ! 14. Summarily executing by illegal procedure.

20. rev. This is not plump below, 23's head. • 22. rev. " No ; this ray hand will rather

The multitudinous .. a inearnadine."

97. 4 minus a small saint.

28. A lawyer cannot do without it.

In II.