Let them eat sausage-flies
Sir: Wi:h the horrifying events in Biafra gaining mpetus every week and the children—innocent victims of all wars—likely to die in millions f aid does not come soon, your fine leader 'Let
em eat sausage-flies' (12 July) should do some
good. I only hope it will. We should stop rms for the Federal forces immediately. But the whole dreadful matter is swiftly becoming n act of genocide why is the United Nations ganisation not protesting at any rate against something that the charter declares to be gal? Or does the partisan Secretary General refer the Federal leaders in Nigeria in the me way that he preferred President Nasser to Israelis, and the Aden terrorists to our- ves?
Enmity such as this will not save innocent es nor prevent the agonising torture of tarvation. I think the Biafrans should have ir independence now, for in a tribal war such this no.-side can win except through the ermination of one or the other of them. at uld,lribal law still holds unfortunately, ad vety. few African states have so far been ble to circumvent this. Cecil Rhodes brought Matabele and Mashona tribes together in ooy; and thus they remain to this day; a ne people; jealously watchful of their freedom can sayage tribes to the north of them. The et is wss.should have phased out independence or Nigeria and helped them with their tfficulties;, educating them to live in a modern orld, not the world of their parents and grand- rents. I suppose they leaned on us, and leaned hard: Others as well as Mr Wilson are to ame.fqr pat.
Iris Stansbury Church. Road, Richmond, Surrey