19 JULY 1968, page 29

It's In The Bag

Sir: Dr John Rowan Wilson (28 June) gives an impressive list of medical 'musts' for those courageous travellers who venture into darkest Europe. I tremble at the thought that......


Sir: Everybody who is in favour of the Race Relations Bill must believe we have a race rela- tions problem. And everybody believing we have this problem must seek to limit the......

Doublethink About God

Sir: Science deals with the question 'How is the world constructed?' Religion asks 'How shall a man live?' It is an option open to any man to take as his example the life and......

A More Murderous Harvest

From: Geo f frey Birch, Iris Stansbury, Dr C. G Elliott, G. A. Picot, George Smith and John Martin, Claire Meyer, Jean Sargeant, Andion t Gibbs, Nicolas Walter, K. P. Dbank,......

Let Them Eat Sausage-flies

Sir: Wi:h the horrifying events in Biafra gaining mpetus every week and the children—innocent victims of all wars—likely to die in millions f aid does not come soon, your fine......

Sir : The Splendour Of The Writing And The Quota-

tions from the philosophers of both Mr Allsop and Mr Hogg make, if I may say so, direct thought on the existence of God more difficult than it need be (21 June). I believe it is......

Nhs Humbug

ir: While 1 would agree with much of John owan Wilson's account of the first twenty rs of the NI-IS, I really must take issue with over, his view that the future of general......

Bourgeois Pianists

Sir : Leslie Adrian (12 July) has made the mis- take of thinking that we advocate a consumers' political party in our book The Consumer In- terest as the best means of......