A slight check was experienced in the English Stock Market after Lord Malmesbury's withdrawal of the Extradition of Offenders Bill : but the down- ward movement was not of long continuance ; for although more than one influential speculator sold Stock, the operations were not followed up by others. The price of Consols has therefore again improved, and after being at 100, the closing quotation ie 994 100 ex-dividend for account. The trans- actions of the week, however, have been unimportant and the fluctuations. insignificant. Money is more and more abundant, and the rate of discount for first-rate bills from 11 to 2 per cent. The most noticeable circumstance in the Foreign Market is the extraordi- nary advance of Austrian Scrip. This security, which has been in limited demand in consequence of French purchases, continued to improve slowly till yesterday afternoon, when a general disposition for investment was ob- servable, and the price rose suddenly about 1 per cent. This upward move- ment has continued today, when the quotation has again risen more than 1 per cent, namely, to st premium; marking an advance during the week of more than 21 per cent. We are not aware of any cause for this im- provement, beyond the fact of the Scrip having become a favourite in- vestment with the French capitalists, and that the consequent firmness of the market in Paris has excited the speculators in our own to ac- tion. Nothing has occurred in the financial or political condition of the Austrian empire to make the Scrip more valuable than it was three weeks. ago, when it scarcely attracted the notice of either our own or foreign capitalists. The Northern European Stocks generally are firmer and scarce. Dutch Four per Cents and Two-and-a-half per Cents maintain their prices, although the rumoured reduction of the rate of interest upon the former does not obtain credit. Portuguese and Spanish Stock are both firmer. We may here remind the holders of Spanish Active and Passive Stock, that the offices of the London Commission for the conversion of these Stocks will close, as far as the reception of Stock is concerned, upon the 30th instant. After that date, the conversion can only be effected in Madrid. The reported revolution in Mexico turns out to be a fiction. The Stock of the Republic has consequently risen about 2 per cent L the Five per Cents closing at 321 1, and the Three per Cents at 261. The South American Stocks are higher ; and during this afternoon there appears to have been a general de- mand for almost every description of Foreign at advanced prices. The Railway Share Market has been improving all the week, and the closing quotations today are from 1/. to 31. higher than those of last week. An alteration has occurred in the mode of quoting prices at the Stock Ex- change, the great majority of Railway Shares being now quoted as Stock ; the nominal amount of the Share being multiplied so as to make it equal to 1001. Stock, and the price per share treated in the same way : thus, Aberdeen Shares upon which 501. is paid, of which the price used to be quoted as 13 131 and 131, are now treated as Stock, 2 shares forming 1001. Stock, and the quoted price is 27 and 27'. The French Shares are all higher, and the de- mand for the Paris market still continues. The rate of exchange upon Paris has experienced a decline ; bills having been today negotiated at 25.35.
The English Stock Market is rather firmer, with but little doing. The opening price of Consols was 100, and there are now buyers at that quota- tion. The only change in the Foreign Market is in Austrian Scrip, which is rather heavier in the absence of the usual foreign demand, the nominal quotation being .41 to 5 premium. The Railway Share Market is filmier, most of the follomng bargains being at an improvement—Eastern Counties,
10; 1; East Lan ire, 181; Great Western, 941; Lancashire and York- shire, 771; London andNorth-western' 126; Midland, 701 1 ; North British, 34; North Staffordshire, 111 ; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolver- hampton, 234 24; Ditto 6 per Cent 121 paid, 141; Ditto 3 paid, 41 I. SATURDAY Two o'croci. After fluctuating between 100 and 1001, Consols for the Account close at 1001 4, the appearance of the market being firm. The transactions of the morning have, however, been unimportant. The same remark will apply to the Foreign Market, where the following have been the principal trans- actions—Austrian Scrip, 5 44 4; Brazilian, 101; Buenos Ayres, 78; Chi- lien Three per Cents, 71; Grenada Deferred, 10 91 104; Mexican Five per Cents, 321f ; Ditto Three per Cents, 261 1; Peruvian, 1051 661; Ditto Deferred, 65 1 65 66 ; Portuguese Five per Cents, 1824, 100 ; Ditto Four '
per Cents, 1842, 38 ; Sardinian, 944; Spanish Passive, 51; Ditto Three per Cents, 49 491 ; Ditto Deferred Three 21 ; Venezuela, 411 per Cents, 221
401 ; Austrian Five per Cents, 1824, 82t ; Dutch Two-an -a-half per Cents, 64 ; Ditto Four per Cents, 954 954 64.
The Railway Share Markets are generally higher, as will be seen by the following list of actual bargains—Aberdeen, 271 8/ ; Bristol and Exeter, 99 4 ; Caledonian, 411 ; Chester and Holyhead, 221 3 ; East Anglian, 251. L. and E. and L. and D., 171 1 ; Eastern Counties, 1011 1 ; Eastern Union, Class B. and C. late E. U. Shares, 41; East Lancashire, 181 1 1 ; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 63; Great Northern, 871 8 71 ; Ditto Half-shares A deferred, 53; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) 421 3 ; Great Western, 941 4; Lan- cashire and Yorkshire, 774 64 74 Ditto 1 'fifths, 9; London and Blackwell, 81 4- 1 1 ; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 1074 61 1 ; London and North- w stern, 126 i 51 6; 'Ditto New Quarter-shares, 27 • Ditto Fifths, 161; London and South-western, 96 44 6; Midland, 701 '1 1; Midland, Birmingham, and Derby, 384; North British, 344 4; North. Staffordshire, 1114 4; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 231 24 34 221; Scottish Central, 70 69; Scottish Midland, 50; South-eastern, 711; South Wales, 341; York, Newcastle, and Berwick Extension, 131; Ditto G. N. E. Pur- chase or Preference, 61; York and North Midland, 501 501 ; London and Greenwich, 131 t ; Ditto Preference, 251; Ditto Shepreth Extension, 150 ; Eastern Counties Extension 5 per Cent No. 1, 11 f prem. ; Ditto 5 per Cent, No. 2, 14 prem. ; Great Northern 6 per Cent, 1614 ; North British, 110 ; East Indian, 231 ; Namur and Liege, 64 ; Northern of France 241; Paris and Rouen, 344; Paris and Strasbourg, 234 ; Tours and Nantes, 124 ; West Flanders, 3; St. John del Rey, 27.
3 per Cent Consols .... ..... shut Danish 3 per Cents 78 80 Ditto for Account 1 Dutch 24 per Cents
63 pe 3 r Cent Reduced . ..... .. 100 1 Ditto 4 per Cents 95 64 34 per Cents 103 Mexican 6 per Cents 1 4 32 1
Long Annuities 5-16 Ditto 3 per Cents -
Bank Stock 234 Peruvian 6 per Cents 105 6
Exchequer Bills 68 71 pin. Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824.. 99 101 India Stock 275 80 Russian 5 per Cents 115 17
Ditto 44 per Cents Spanish 3 per Cents 49
Ditto Deferred 10 21 1 54
Sardinian 5 per Cents 94 4
Brazilian 5 per Cents ..... 100 101 Belgian 44 per Cents 94 6 Chilian 6 per Cents 103 5 Danish 5 per Cents 1034 44