The Seventh Philharmonic Concert, On Monday Last,...
absence of novelty in the programme, has been unanimously pronounced the best and most successful of the season. Mozart and Beethoven furnished the symphonies ; Weber and......
Very Suspicious Is The Title Of A Slight Piece Produced
at the Lyceum ; in which a prying lady discovers that two persons are secretly married, having first based her suspicions on their indifference towards each other. There is......
The Royal Geographical Society.
The Geographical Society has had its share in those graceful attentions which Prince Albert so willingly pays to all institutions for promoting art, literature, and science. His......
The Proverb Says That When Two Persons Ride On The
same horse, one of them is compelled to sit behind. While absorbed in the contemplation of the German Plays at the St. James's, we find we have overlooked the vivacious M.......
Money Ittanket.
STOCK EXCHANGE. FRIDAY AFTLENGON. A slight check was experienced in the English Stock Market after Lord Malmesbury's withdrawal of the Extradition of Offenders Bill : but the......
Orittrro Nub 31inoir.
The custom of producing new pieces on the occasion of benefits, which was once deemed heterodox, seems daily gaining ground. " Cessante cessat effectus," is an axiom which......