19 JUNE 1852, Page 22


Tuesday, June 15.

PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-Gardiner and Pugh, Demeter Court, Mincing Lane, commission-merchants-J. and A. Casper, Manchester, tailors-Brown and Law- rence, Chorley, muslin-manufacturers-Lamb and Co. Basingstoke, attornies ; as far as regards W. C. Metcalfe -T. Beasley and Co. Torquay, wine-merchants ; as far as regards M. Beasley - Nicholson and Simpson, Gleason Dock, Lancaster, ship- builders-Heycock and Co. Liverpool, manufacturers of Devlan's patent lubricating oil ; as far as regards E. Heycock-Foster and Mawson, Bradford, Yorkshire, cabi- net-makers-Clarkson and Walton, Bradford, Yorkshire, plumbers-A. and J. Ben- jamin, Strand, tailors-Wilkinson and Baker, Myddleton Street, Clerkenwell, tobac- conists-Scott and Pearson, Gould Square, commission-agents - Stow and Co. Minories, clothiers-Salisbury and Bennett, Souverie Street, printers-Spencer and Capper, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, woollen-drapers-Schofield and Woods, Pemberton, Lancashire, farmers-Salty and Sons, Trowbridge, linen-drapers. Baraseerrs.-TuoiLts SEVERS (and not LEVERS as before advertised), Basinghall Street, woollen-cloth-warehouseman, to surrender June 22, July 22: solicitors, Linklaters, Sise Lane; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings-Mouse Moatair, High Holborn, silversmith, June 23, July 27 : solicitor, Peddell, Cheapside; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Hzxav NOEL HUMPHREYS, Dorchester Place, Blandford Square, bookseller, June 24, Aug.. 7 : solicitor, Moxon, Southamp- ton Buildings; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Samsun. Honrces, Carlton Road, Old Kent Road, builder, June 24, July 24: solicitors, Linklaters, Sise Lane; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street-EDWARD MOUNTCASTLE, King William Street, City, hatter, June 25, Aug. 13: solicitors, Terrell and Matthews, Basinghall Street; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Janes Cusumw,Brixton, brewer, July 1, 27: solicitor, Jay, Bucklersbury ; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court-Joszen finzoorr, Cromford, Derbyshire, miller, June 25, July 16: solicitors, Brewster, Nottingham ; Motteram and Co. Birmingham ; official assignee, Bittleston, Nottingham-Commune BROWN, Hull, flax-spinner. June 30, July 21 : solicitors, Thorney and Son, Hull; official assignee, Carrick, Hull -Holm Tsvicus, Waterfoot, Newchurch, Lancashire, coal-dealer, June 26, July 22: solicitor, Harris, Rochdale ; official assignee, Mackenzie, Manchester-Taw/se GEORGE ALszoioN Liverpool, wine-merchant, June 24, July 23: solicitor, Banner, Liverpool; official assignee, Bird, Liverpool. DEV/DILVDS.-July 22, Fraser. Great Suffolk Street, Southwark, draper-July 6, M. and T. A. Butterfield, Royston, linen-drapers-July 19, Crosfield, Ladwonne, Gla- morgaushire, coal-miner-July 16, Duggan, Mary-port, Cumberland, draper-July 15, It. H. and E. Bell, South Shields, paper-manufacturers-July 8, Wanless, Bishop- wearmouth, shipowner-July 8, Moon, Borrowby, corn-miller-July 8, Gibson, York, ironmonger-July 8, Ware, York, saddler.

CERTIFICATES.-lb be granted, wiles: cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of tneeting.-July 22, Croshaw, Park Road, Holloway, brick-maker-July 15, Klug, New Bond Street, revalentsiarabica importer-July 6, Hurley, Birmingham, linen- draper-July 6, Hull, Wavertree, Lancashire, miller-July 8, Henney, Elinley Lovett, Worcestershire, victualler-July 8. Malliband, Great Claybrook, Leicestershire, fell- monger-July 8, Welsh, Burslem,joiner.

DECLARATIONS OP DIVIDENDS.-Hunt, Edgeware Road, draper; second div. of 2id. any Wednesday; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Warren, Ardleigh, Essex, miller ; first div. of 2a. 8d. June 17, and three following Thursdays ; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Smith, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, ship-broker; first and final div. of 9s. 9d. June 19, or any subsequent Saturday ; Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Surma SEQUESTRATION.-Young, Dundee, merchant, June 22, July 13.

Friday, June 18.

Eton:gasifies DISSOLVED.-Marsden and Co. Manchester, and Marsden and Co. Valparaiso, merchants-Lang and Menhinick, Lillington Street, Vauxhall Bridge Road, builders-Bird and Horton, Cardiff. ship-brokers-J. and J. Thompson, Peter- borough, general dealers-Hall and Gordon, Manchester, calico-printers-Thomp- son and Co. Liverpool ; as far as regards T. Anderson-Jackson and Cooper, High Holborn, printers-11. and J. Garlick, Westport, butchers-Bilks and Hart, Not- tingham, engravers-Spurr and Co. Boston, oil-cake-merchants -Polglaee and Co. Commercial Road East, engineers-Glover and Co. Manchester, merchants-Ibbett and Smith, Worship Street, auctioneers-Robinson and Burrowcliff, Bawtry, tim- ber-merchants-Turner and Co. Radcliffe Bridge, Lancashire, and Turner and Thornley, Prestwich, tailors-Hawksley and Co. Sheffield, silversmiths; as far as regards J. Hukin-Thornton and Wright, Croston, Lancashire, grocers-Booth and Tindall, Portland Terrace, Regent's Park, auctioneers-C. and A. Cayley, Opera Arcade, stationers-Cowen and Co. Manchester, moulders; as far as regards C. Wood-Peel and Co. Alexandria, merchants-Henry and Co. Mark Lane, sail-cloth- manufacturers ; as far as regards W. G. P. Henry-Eansomes and May, Ipswich, iron-founders ; as far as regards C. May-Webster and Son, Cambridge, builders- North British Australasian Loan and Investment Company, Aberdeen ; as far as regards A. Forsyth. Baxzerrre.-Enwaan Soli: Sfmcreo, Mark Lane, merchant, to surrender June 24, July 29: solicitors, Linklaters, Sise Lane; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings-Wu-man WHEELER, Abergavenny, innkeeper, June 29, July 27: solici- tors, Batt, Abergavenny; Bevan, Bristol; official assignee, Acraman, Bristol-Wit- use; WOOD, Wath-upon-Dearn, Yorkshire, timber-merchant, July 5, 26: solicitors, Marshall, Barnsley ; Bond and Barwick, Leeds; official assignee, Hope, Leeds- Jona WALTEEW, Manchester, drysalter, June 28, July 14: solicitor, Slater, Man- chester; official assignee, Fraser, Manchester-EDWAILD Msrrnew HADAWAY, New- castle-upon-Tyne, grocer, June 30, July 28 : solicitor, Hodge, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; official assignee, Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. DIVIDENDS.-July 12, Gull and Wilson, Old Broad Street, Russia-brokers-July 12, Haynes, London Street, Paddington, wheelwright-July 12, Jay, Badley, Suffolk, miller-July 12, Hall, Croydon, confectioner-July 12, Simmons, Blandford Forum, Dorsetshire, builder-July 9, Stimson, St. Neota, boot-maker-July 15, Lowe, Bris- tol, toy-dealer-July 9, Lucas and Wilkinson, Manchester, calico-printers-July 13, Croudson, Wigan, iron-merchant-July 13, Taylor, Wigan, cotton-spinner-July 12, Pratt, Stoke-upon-Trent, miller-July 9, Collins, Halifax, draper-July 10, Wilkin- son, Sheffield, silver-plater-July 9, Bew, Selby, grocer-July 10. Hinchcliffe, Shef- field, manufacturer-July 10, Nicholson, Sheffield, surgeon. CERTIFICATES.-2b be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-July 9, Mason, Kimbolton, Huntingdonshire, ironmonger-July 9, Ben- Mmin, Southampton Street, Bloomsbury Square, cigar-dealer-July 12, Puckett, Melton Street, Easton Square, lodging-house-keeper-July 12, Burford, Bermondsey Square. salt-merchant-July 12, W. and C. J. Jones, High Street, Islington, plumbers-July 10, Silbey, Poole, timber-merchant-July 10, Lacy, Great St. He- len's, gun-manufacturer-July 13, Harding, Road, Somersetsbire, grocer.

DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS.-Cornell, Halstead, ironmonger ; first and final div. of Is. 6d. on new proofs, on Saturday next, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Groom, Abchurch Laue-Shuttleworth, Saffron Walden, ironmonger; first div. of 4a. 24. July 19, and three subsequent Saturdays; Edwards, Sambrook Court-Worley, Smethwick, victualler; first div. of 2s. 90. any Thursday; Valpy, Birmingham- Longbottom and Fawcett, Leeds, cloth-merchants; first div. of 4s.; a first div. of fis. on the separate estate of T. Fawcett ; and a first div. of Id. on the separate estate of J. Longbottom, June 24, and any subsequent Thursday ; Freeman, Leeds. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS.-Carson, Cove, Dumbartonshire, Wright, June 25, July 16-Howie and Simpson, Edinburgh, merchants, June 22, July 13-Allan and Drum- mond, Glasgow, wrights, June 22, July 13-3. and J. Alexander, Glasgow, wine- merchants, June 23, July 14-Henderson and Lamont, Camlachie, Glasgow, distil- lers, June 25, July 16-Boyd and Son, Glasgow, commission-merchants, June 23, July 14.