AnismisLre June 7.-The following promotions tookplace on the 4th inst. conse- quent on the decease, on the 3d inst. of Vice-Admiral of the Red R. Jackson-Vice- Admiral of the White J. Sykes, Esq. to be Vice-Admiral of the Red ; Vice-Admiral of the Blue the Hon. G. Poulett to be Vice-Admiral of the White ; Rear-Admiral of the Red H. Parker, Esq. C.B. to be Vice-Admiral of the Blue ; Rear-Admiral of the White W. Fisher, Esq. to be Bear-Admiral of the Red ; Rear-Admiral of the Blue Sir J. G. Sinclair, Bart. to be Rear-Admiral of the White ; Capt. Sir W. E. Parry, Mit. to be Rear-Admiral of the Blue.
Amateurs, June 14. Corps of Royal Marines-First Lieut. C. F. Menzies to be Capt. vice H. C. M. Hawkey, placed on half-pay; Second Lieut. E. Spry to be First Lieut. vice Menzies, promoted ; Second Iieut. F. G. Pym to be First Lieut. vice 11. T. Swain, placed on half-pay.