19 JUNE 1875, Page 1


THE Goloss, a paper published in St. Petersburg, argues, in an article which has attracted great attention, that the league of the Three Emperors is in danger. It was formed for the mainte- nance of peace, and is strained when one of the three wishes to go to war. Russia desires peace, and her most natural ally is Britain, which, like herself, from geographical position, is essentially pacific :—" If the English are once satisfied that Russia does not think of invading India, the primary cause of past misunder- standings would be removed, and a perfect agreement might be effected on the principal points of Central-Asian politics. We have often contended that we are not the enemies of the English in Asia, and that we may be their friends, if they will only believe in the sincerity of our sentiments, and throw no difficulties in our way. If the English can once be made to understand that Russia's .extension to the northern declivity of the hills surrounding India will only strengthen England's hold of India, and do away with all fear of invasion and insurrection, all would be well." The Pall Mall Gazette says that in the original the words we have italicised signify "to the summits of the hills," a =matrons pretension, to -which England could never yield. An alliance with Russia in Asia would be very convenient, but we fear, for the reasons stated at length elsewhere, it would be impossible. It would be an agree- ment between the shore and the wave never to encroach upon each other. The shore would keep it;Aperforce,—but the wave?