19 JUNE 1875, page 3

Sir John Lubbock Has Obtained From The Government A Half.

promise to see whether they cannot so far modify the scheme which he carried against the Government for the preservation of Ancient Monuments, as to meet his views without......

We Have Given Some Account In Another Column Of Mr.

Fitz- james Stephen's opinion against the legal right of a clergyman of the Church of England to take public part in Nonconformist ser- vices, or, indeed, in any religious......

Consols Were At The Latest Date 921-98.


The Government Have Dropped Their Bill For The Incloaure Of

Dean Forest, which we criticised some time since. The Bill gave great dissatisfaction in the Forest, and as we pointed out, was thoroughly out of harmony with the recent course......

The Debate On Monday On The Flogging Clause In Mr.

Cross's Bill for amending the law for offences against the person was remarkable for the weight of argument against that punishment. Mr. Henley, who is not a sentimentalist,......

Dr. Kenealy Has Dropped The Tichborne Case For The Present,

at least in the House of Commons, and devoted his energies to a Bill for establishing Triennial Parliaments. He was counted out in moving for leave to bring in this Bill on......

Mr. Seymour Haden Has Concluded This Week His Very Prolix

and pedantic communications to the Times, in favour of the very sensible reform which he proposes in our customs of burial, with a letter in which he maintains that the burial......

One Point Comes Out In The Blue-book On The Baroda

trial which ought to attract Lord Salisbury's serious attention. It is quite evident that the standing quarrel between Bombay and the Viceroy's Government has extended to the......

The Appeal Against The Monstrous Damages Given By A Scotch

jury against our contemporary the Athourum, for the alleged "libel" of the firm of Keith Johnstone contained in its review of the last edition of his "Atlas," has been so far......