19 JUNE 1875, Page 1

The week has been full of rumours about something which

was about to happen in Greece. The King was about to abdicate. A Russian fleet had been ordered to the Pirmus. A British fleet had been ordered to the Pirteus. A Turkish fleet had been ordered to the Pincus. All these rumours are dented, and seem to be untrue, but the balance of evidence is in favour of the story that the King is wearied out, that he will try one more Minister, M. Tricoupi, and his Radical following, and that if he fails to form a working Government, he will abdicate. Great pressure will, however, be applied to him before he takes this irrevocable step, and it is possible, as we have tried to point out elsewhere, that means may -be found to strengthen his hands. The root of mischief seems to be the determination of each fraction in the Greek Chamber either to obtain office, or to join the Opposition against the Ministry in power. No administra- tion, therefore, is safe for more than a few days.