Mr. E. T. Brown writes wisely for The Prsctical Motor-
Cyclist (Cassell, 2s.). Tolley's Handbook of Income Tax (Waterlow, 9d.) is a well-planned handbook. The Oxford University Press have issued a Tract on English Handwriting (10s. 6d.) with thirty-four facsimile plates, and artistic and palaeographical criticisms by Messrs. Roger. Fry and E. A. Low. Mr. Fry makes a plea for abbreviated signs for our commoner words. A tiny pamphlet from Mr. R. G. S. King. The Deanery, Derry, Ireland, contains some interesting Suggestions for Improvement of Type Forms. The gist of it is that printers should modify their type designs so as to avoid tall letters, both ascending and descending. Sentences with no letters straying beyond the limits of the line certainly look tidy (e.g.," we are our own censors, our own accusers, we run, we cross seas, we roam over cosmos ") and there may be some- thing in the idea of abolishing ugly " g's " and " l's," as the long " s " was abolished.