19 JUNE 1926, page 15
[to The Editor Of The Specraton.]
SIR,—I have had an American friend staying with me. He picked up the Spectator one day, and read it through. When he put it down I asked him what he thought'f it: He shrugged......
[to The Editor Of The Stx-rdvroa.] Sir,—i See That You
entirely agree with Lord Balfour of Burleigh in thinking that Children's Allowances should be made to the miners. Where is the money to , come from for these allowances ?......
Children's Allowances For The Miners - [to The Editor Of
the SPECTATOR.] &a—Mr. H. Smith said that " the miners are out to fight against a reduction in wages which would make it impossible for the mother to give her children the food......