The fortieth session of the Council- of the League of
Nations ended on Thursday, June 10th, the most curious, if not the most important day, of its history.. The serious and useful work of the session has been the decisions to lift the financial control in Austria and Hungary and the approval of the loan of two and a half millions sterling to Bulgaria • for the settlement of refugees. On the Thursday, however, appeared internal troubles over the membership of the Council. In the much regretted absence of Senor Quinones de Leon, the Spanish representative made two announcements. Spain ratified the amendment, passed by the Assembly five years ago, to Clause IV of the Covenant by which elections to the Council are regulated. This action removes a difficulty in the way of Lord Cecil's scheme. The second announcement of Don Quer y Boule was that Spain withdrew from the Council. The other regrettable event of the day was the statement of • Senhor Mello Franco that Brazil withdrew until her demand for a permanent seat should be satisfied. She received no encouragement to expect that satisfaction in the many expressions of regret that were uttered, and on Monday the Minister of Foreign Affairs gave the necessary two years' notice of Brazil's withdrawal from the League.