The Charwoman's Shadow. By Lord Dunsany. (Putnam. 7s. 6d.)—She was,
of course, no common charwoman and she suffered as did many another hero and heroine of legend from having sold her shadow to a magician. This is a romance of mediaeval Spain, and its charm lies in the fantasy of its rendering. There are many scenes of delicate beauty ; perhaps the best is the description of how the hero, Ramon Alonzo—who has suffered the same loss through ihe wiles of the magician—being moved by pure pity to search for the charwoman's shadow, found his own. How the char- woman regains her youth when her girlish shadow flit3 to her feet, and hosi the deserted magician seeks the Country Towards Moon's Rising and so ends the Golden Age of Spain, should be read by all who welcome a moment's escape from this workaday world. Here is a beaker sparkling with the authentic bubbles of romance for thirsty lips.