BOOKS RECOMMENDED MISCELLANEOUS :-Mental Life. By B. Edgell. (Methuen. 7s.
6d.)---Quaint Signs of Olde Inns. By G. J. Monson- Fitzjohn. (Jenkins. 7s. 6d.) Under the Rose. By Anatole France. Translated by J.-Lewis May. (Bodley Head. 7s. 6d.) Ice Ages. By A. P. Coleman. (Macmillan. 17s.) Excavations. By Carl Van Vechten (Knopf. 7s. 6d.)-If I were a Labour Leader. By Ernest J. P. Benn. (Benn. 3s. 6d.) I Seek the Truth. By the Ex-Crown Prince William of Germany. (Faber and Gwyer. 21s.) Children's Courts. By W. Clarke Hall. (Allen and Unwin. 7s. 6d.)-The Superannuation of Teachers. By -W. R. Barker. • (Longrnans. 5s.) The Growth and Contents of the Old Testament. By C. F. Kent. (Murray. 12s.) • HISTORY :-History of England. By G. M. Trevelyan. (Longinans. 12s. 6d) " Christie's " 1766-1925. By H. C. 1VIarillier. (Constable. £2 2s.)-The Making of Rhodesia. By H. Marshall Hole. (Macmillan. 18s.) The Centre of Ancient Civilization: By H. D. Daunt. (Bodley Head. 10s. 6d.)--A Short History of the Italian People. By Janet Penrose Trevelyan. (Putnam. 10s. 6d.)-Our Prehistoric Ancestors. By Dorothy Davison. (Methuen. 7s. 6d.) TRAVEL :-Czeehosloyakia. By Jessie Mothersole. (Bodley Head. 18s.) Peeps at Many Lands. Czechoslovakia. By H. C. Schott. (A. and C. Black. 2s. 6d.) English Caravanners in the Wild West. By G. E. Metcalfe-Shaw. (Blackwood. 21s.). London. By H. V. Morton. (Methuen. . 5s.) Picturesque Cheshire. By T. A.
Coward. (Methuen. 8s. 6d.)
EIOGRAPHY :-Stanley Baldwin. By Adam Gowans Whyte. (Chapman and Hall. 5s.) William Booth. Vols. I and II. Abridged edition. By Harold Begbie. (Macmillan. 12s. 6d.)-Peary the Man who Refused to Fail. By Fitzhugh Green. (Putnam. 25s.) LITERATURE :-Williant Blake's Prophetic Writings. Edited by D. J. Sloss and J. P. R. Wallis. (Oxford University Press. 42s.)-The Epic of Horuden Green. By G. D. Martineau. (Heller. 2s. 6d.) Epitaphs. By the Lady Margaret Saekville. (Swan Press. 5s.) Fiddler s Farewell. By Leonora Speyer. (Knopf. 6s.) ART :-Claude Lorrain and Modern Art. By A. M. Hind. (Cambridge, _University Press. 2s. 6d.)-Edmund Blampied. (Studio. 5s.)-English Homes. Period VI. Vol. I. (Country Life. £3 3s.) SPORT :-The Lawn Tennis Guide. By F. Gordon Lowe. • (Holder'''. 3s. 6d.)--Better Golf. By P. Aliss (Black. 5s.) NOI:rEL.S :-Blown by the Wind. By A. Dawson Scott. (Hutchinson. 7s. -6d.) Mezzanine. By E. F. Benson. (Caisell. 7s. 6d.)---"--The Incredulity of Father Brown. By G. K. Chesterton. (Cassell. 7s. 6d.)-Ships that Pass in the Night Clubs. By G. Slade. (Cassell. 7s. 6d.)