19 MARCH 1831, Page 11


The Mir. J. Lowe to the Canonry and Prebend aRiecall, in the Cathedral Church of York.

The Rey. W. Wellington, B.A. to the rectory of Upton Hellions, Devonshire, vacant by the cession of the Rev. J. Manley, M.A. The Rev. C. Childers, B.A. of Christ Church, Oxford, to the rectory of Mus- ky, Bucks. The Rev. T. Henderson, M.A. late Student of Christ Church, and Vicar of Mes. -Rag, Essex, has been presented, by the Right Hon. the Earl of Verulam, to the -Rectory of CoMe Wake, in the same county, vacant by.the death of the Rev. J. Dolphin.

les Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury has been pleased to collate the Rev. _I% R. May, M.A. of Christ Church, to the Vicarage of Herne, in Kent. The Rev. J. Biddulph to the Vicarage of Lillington, Warwickshire. The Rev. E. Lewis to the Perpetual Curacy of Llaubedr Paineastle, Radnorshire, 'Patron, Archdeacon Payne.

The Rev. A. Dicker:, D.D. to the Rectory of Norton, Suffolk; Patrons, the Master -and Fellows of Peterhouse, Cambridge.