Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
BIRTHS. On the 7th inst. at Sir William Ouseiey's, Foley Place, the Lady of WILLIAM G. OUSELEY, Es q . of his Majesty's Le g ation in the United States, of a son. On the 6th......
Topics Of The Day.
TRUSTEES OF THE NATION. NOTHING is More remarkable in the present state of opinion re- specting Reform, than what appears to some a general careless- ness as to the details of......
The Army.
WAR-OpPICE, March 15.-2nd Regt. Life Guards: Capt.J. N. Reed, from the half-pay, to be Capt. vice W. Milligan, who exchanges—Royal Regt. of Horse Guards : Cornet W. E. Banner to......
The Church.
The Mir. J. Lowe to the Canonry and Prebend aRiecall, in the Cathedral Church of York. The Rey. W. Wellington, B.A. to the rectory of Upton Hellions, Devonshire, vacant by the......