19 MARCH 1831, Page 19


GAZETTES. Tuesday, March. 15.


Brans and ANDERSON, jun. Aberdeen, merchants—JONES and Lys. Aldersgate Street, booksellers—scorr and DODDS, River Green Mill, Northumberland, millers, PENN and Thomas, Gloucester House, Kew, schoolmasters-48E8AM and Co. Nottingham and Manchester, lace-manufacturers—Loess and Co. Barnsley, York.. shire. coal.miners—DAVENPOET and HAMMOND, Chester, woollen-drapers—ZEE- Born, jun. and GUGB at, Bross Street, Hatton Garden, artificial florists—T. H. and J. Fazurvroara, Rathboao Place, Oxford &root, wooklea-drapers—Sxortoso sad Co. Shevington. near Wigan, and Liverpool, coal-propriteors-Hu Lids and Ho- woaTE. Drayleden. Lancashire skein-printers-Bloom and CALDICOTT, Edburton, Sussex,farmers-MoTTRAm and Co. Shrewsbury, linen-drapers-HILL and BALD- WIN, Lower Milton, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, ironfounders-ANnarsw, Lees, Lancashire, and LAwTosr and Co. Chester, cotton-spinners-PRIOR and VAMMOND, Kingsland Road Wharf, Kingsland Road, coal-merchants-ConniNc- TON and DousLEnAir. Manchester, calico-manufacturers-JEFFERY and TUCK, Woodford, Essex, bakers-J. and C. Hrnx, Sheffield, combmakers, ROMA NOTT and EVKRITT, Birmingham, brass and brass- wire.manufacturers-J. and T. 13 EN- NUTT, Mitcheldean, Gloucestershire, maltsters-S. and J. How, Walthamstow, Essex, builders-T, and J. NEVI Lc. Birmingham, lectors.


BABSON, RUGH WILLIAM, Bristol, merchant, March 12.


ANDREWS, WILLIAM, Shrewsbury, mercer, to surrender April 7, 8, 26 solici- tors, Messrs. Clarke and Co. Lincoln's Inn Fields ; and Mr. Williams, Crescent, Shrewsbury. BLONAM, THOMAS, Hinckley, Leicestershire' surgeon, March 25, 26, April 26 : solicitors, Messrs. Jones and Co. Gray's Inn ; and Mr. Jarvis, Hinckley. BROWN, THOMAS, Kingston-upon-Hull, scrivener, April 1,2,26: solicitors, Mr. Rushworth, Symond's Inn, Chancery Lane ; and Mr. Rushworth, Kingston-upon- Hull.

• Dons, WILLIAM, and MOORE, ROGER, Percy Street, Tottenham Court Road, linen-drapers, March 22, 29. April 26, solicitor, Mr. Jones, Princes Street, Bank.

GEORGE, ROBERT, Parker Street, Drury Lane, stage-coach-maker, March 18, 25, April 26 : solicitors, Messrs. Mayhew and Co. Carey Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields. HANCOCK, THOMAS HENRY, Castle Inn, Brighton, innkeeper, March 22, 29, April 26: solicitor, Mr. Cornwall, Thavie's Inn. • HOLDION, ROBERT, VANHOUSE, WILLIAM, and HANKEY, WILLIAM AIRES, Jun. Mincing Lane, %Vest India brokers, March 25, April 5, 26: solicitor, Mr. Pelle, Old Broad Street.

LAYZELL, WILLIAM, Colchester, Essex, linen-draper, March 28, 29, April 26: Solicitors, Messrs. Stevens and Co. Little St. Thomas Apostle; and Mr. Spading, Colchester.

Luca, THOMAS PAles LER. Cheapsi de, laceman, March 22,29, April 26 : solicitors, Messrs. Hutchison and Imeson, Crown Court. Threadneedle Street.

Mon OA N, JOHN, Moor Lane, Fore Street, victualler, March 25, 29, April 26: solicitor, Mr. Smith, Barnard's Inn, Holborn.

Sidman' E it, GE °Rog, Bury Street, Bloomsbury, livery-stable-keeper, March 22,29, April 26: solicitors, Messrs. Lyle and Co. King's Road, Gray's Inn. NV-siren ELI), JA 512s, Hinckley, Leicestershire' grocer, March 21, 26, April 26 : solicitors, Messrs. Junes and Co. Gray's Inn ; and Mr. Jarvis. Hinckley.

\VYTICES, ROBE R.T and WALTER, Birmingham, grocers, March 22, 29, April 26: Solicitors, Messrs. Hindmarsh and Son, Crescent, Jewin Street; and at Blanchester. DIVIDENDS.

April 19, W. W. Dunn and J. M. Dunn-April 5, Valle, Maze Pond, Southwark, Carpenter-April 5, Rhoads. Queen Street, Boston Square, cut-glass-manufacturer -April 8, Chalmers, Alfred Piece, Newington Gate, lodging-house-keeper-April 15, Tuckett, Gloucester, grocer - April 5, Tristram, Dunster Court, Mincing Lane, merchant-April 5, Cross, Clerkenwell, pawnbroker-April 7, Robinson, Lancaster, publican-April 5, Glover. Newcastle-under-Lyme, grocer-April 9, Bragg, Aketon, Yorkshire, bleacher-April 8, Sparks, Crewkerne and Chard, bunker.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before April 5.

La Signe, Bristol, wine-merchant-Loftus, Leeds, linen and shoe-thread-mann- facturer - Wallington, Aldersgate Street, coach-proprietor-Bristow, New Cut, Lambeth, baker Smith, jun. North Shields, muster-mariner - Blake, Tooting, Surry, brewer-Binder, Leeds, victualler.

Friday, March 18.


STAINTON and NEWTON, Liverpool, joiners-FOSTER and CHETNE, Kingston- upon-Hull, spirit-merchants-,T. and J._ FOSTER and Co. Hylord's Court, tea- dealers ; as faras regards .1. Fo STE R-HUTCHI NS ON and SoN, East Retford, wine- merchants-D s vies and Co. Manchester, commission-agents-Saturn and Sut a- LEY, New Bridge Street, Blackfriars, wine-merchants-T. and J. MEAsE and Co. Stokesley, Yorkshire, fiax.spinners-WiLny and Wr Neer, Gray's Inn Passage, Red Lion Square, booksellers-it. twl .1. S at Frt.. Birmingham, wire-workers-T. and W. GARDINER, Leicester, hosiers-J. and W. BAINES, Copthall Court, Throgmorton Street, accountants-Com FO ItT and RENTER, Crown Court, Chancery Lane, hair- manufacturers-Asirrom and Sox, Warrington, Lancashire, cabinet-makers-E. find T. WILSON, Swinton and Rawmarsh. Yorkshire, iron-masters-JORDAN and NALL, Sheffield, engravers-Ottm ER ODS and Co. Rio de Janeiro, merchants-BAY- LEY and BRIGHT, Horndon, Essex, farmers-D. and D. E. SAGO, New Montague Street, Spitalfields, silk-dressers-Asn or and RITCHIE, Ring's Arms Buildings, 'Wood Street, coffee-house-keepers-CADMAN and THOMAS, Walsall, Staffordshire, grocers-ST wigs and MILES, Leicester, conch-makers-MEG and SON, Bristol, mathematical instrument-makers-L. and T. MANN', Liverpool, tobacco-manufac- turers--YELD and Co. Armitage, Staffordshire, maltsters-AusToN and HOLIDAY, Colchester, chymists-S. and C. IlAvnom, Mitcham, Surry, plumbers.


STOW, Jona SUTCLIFF, Birmingham, gun-maker, March 18.


MANN, JA SI Es, Cleobury Mortimer, Shropshire, baker.

MAR sitALL, WILLIAM, Fountain Grove, Huddersfield, Yorkshire, shear-manu- facturer.


D'Emnita, Unser, Upper Frederick Street, Connaught Square, bookseller, to surrender March 25, 29, April 29 : solicitor, Mr. Chilcote„ Walbrook, Fax ow, SAMUEL WALTON, Jermyn Street, surgeon, March 25, April 8, 29: solicitor, Mr. I'ain, New Inn.

GREASLEY, THOMAS and IIAR.LES, West Smithfield, clothiers, March 22, 25, Apri129 : solicitor, Mr. Gale, Basinghall Street. .

HALLAS, BENJAMIN, Ossett, Yorkshire, cloth-merchant, Apri115, 16, 29: soli- citors. Messrs. Bettye and Co. Chancery Lane ; and Messrs. Archer and Greaves, Ossett.

MORRIS, CHARLES, Manchester, joiner, March 39, 31, April 29: solicitors, Messrs. Adlington and Co. Bedford Row; and Messrs. Morris and Owen, Spring Gardens, Manchester.

WALL, JOBEPH, Manchester, dealer, April 4, 5, .`,9: solicitors, Messrs. Milne and Parry, Temple ; and Mr. Wheeler, Manchester.


April 8, Robins, St. John's Square, Clerkenwell, silversmith-April 8. Lopez and Co. Copthall Court, merchants-April 8, Welford, Oxford Street, auctioneer- April 8, Blundell and Co. Bankside, iron-merchants-April 8, Walkden, Islington Green, china.dealer-April 8, Biggs, Russia Row, silk-manufacturer-April 8, Sherley, Stanwell, Middlesex, innkeeper-April 8, Bowring, Mincing Lane and North Brixton, colonial-broker-April 8, Potter, Maidstone, grocer-April 11, Cal- vert, Wressler, Yorkshire, corn-factor-April 9, Lewis, Bristol, merchant-April 9, Andrewes, Bristol, money-scrivener-April 9, Armstrong, Liverpool, linen-draper -April 8, Doubleday, Manchester' tea-dealer-April 11, Birmingham, brass- cock-founder-April 8, Donniaon, Liverpool, joiner-April 16, Drought, Ilminster, Somersetshire, druggist-April 11, Rider and Co. Leeds and Huddersfield, woollen- cloth-merchants- April 9, Baker, Bradford, Wiltshire, innkeeper-April 11, Brown. Beeston, Yorkshire, cloth-manufacturer-April 11, Scammell, Warminster, Wilt- shire, corner-April 9, Booth, Laund Mill, Lancashire, worsted-spinner-April 11, Robson, Leeds, grocer-May 6, Johnston, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, draper-April 11, Duncan and Monday, Kingston-upon-Hull, wine-merchants.


To be granted, sinless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before April 8. Smallbone, Titchborne Street, Haymarket, picture-dealer-Bartram. St. Mary Street, Whitechapel Road, coach-maker-Stanford, Frederick Street, Connaught Square, Paddington, smith-Spurr, Warnford Court, merchant-Coulstock, Reigate, Burry, miller-Gray, Prospect Row, Bermondsey, master-mariner-Price, Man- chester, paper-dealer-Smith, Brick Lane, Spitalfields, baker-Giller, Manchester, dealer-Jacobs, Walton-upon-Thames, Surry, auctioneer-Nicholson, Burstivick, Yorkshire, horse-dealer-Hudson, Birmingham, currier.

• SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS. Du a a oen , JAM It e. Edinburgh, fiesher, March 28, April 11. SCARTH, JAMES, Jun. Inverness, merchant, March 28, April 12,