19 MARCH 1859, Page 10

In the House of Peers, the Marquis of LONDONDERRY called

attention to the contemplated revision of the Irish Magistracy. The Loan CHAN- CELLOR of Ireland has written to the Lieutenants of Counties inquiring what magistrates are dead, what have left their respective counties, what are disqualified from various other causes ? The Irish magistracy are troubled. What can it all mean ? The Earl of DONOUGHMORE had received a letter from the Lord Chancellor, in which he states that be feels that he is bound to supply the various districts of Ireland with suitable magistiates, and he hopes the Lieutenants of Counties will aid him in doing so.

Lord St. LEONARDS urged the claims of the Water Colour Society for space for a gallery in the Burlington House ground. The members of that body are at the head of their peculiar department of art. Lord DERBY said, the matter is in the hands of the Chief Commissioner of Works, who is about to summon delegates from the various bodies who are advancing claims, and it is to be hoped that an arrangement alio- factory to all will be come to. The Marquis of CLANRICARDE wanted information as to the tenure of land in Oude. Lord Stanley, in a late letter, seems to assume that the of •the Governor-General has been entirely altered, whereas in reality no alteration has taken place. Lord Eramignonoron said Lord Canning never put the threat of his proclamation in force. If there had been confiscation in-March it would be absurd threaten it in the follow- ing November. Lord DERBY defended Lord Canning's general policy.. The noble Marquis has quite mistaken the meaning of Lord Stanley's. letter. So highly are Lord Canning's services appreciated that her Majesty intends to make him a G.C.B., and Government has recom- mended that on his return home he shall be raised a step in the peerage..