Belfast And The Saturday Review.
Oun smart and all-knowing contemporary, the Saturday Review, has recently been the victim of a ridiculous hoax, which rather shakes its pre- tensions to sagacity. There is in......
No. Vii. Pesaro And His Companions. Delicacies To Be...
in the subscrip- tion for thorn—Different climates and comforts of Naples and England—Pro- bable enjoyments of the exiles in England—Their steerings during imprison- ment. From......
Impending Revolution, Produced By Art And Science In War.
Tun art of war, it is now admitted, is under an impending revo- lution, from clearly decided advances of mechanical art and sci- ence. We shall endeavour to state how those......
Ittitr To Tljt Etritor.
A WORD ON THE REFORM CRISIS. Buckingham, 16th March. Sim,--About this Reform Bill ; you see I plunge at once into the subject. A modsrate Reformer and an opponent of Reform......
A Military Curiosity.
Digging in that arid region the Army Estimates, we alighted upon an indication of the existence of a really funny military curiosity. It is this, that her Majesty's Brigade of......