MONILY MA11.1{127.T.
STOCK FaCKANOK, Fainar Arreasoos.
The market for English Securities has been dull and drooping all the week. The flatness which was apparent on Saturday continued up to this afternoon, when it decidedly better tone prevails. Consols were first dealt in at 96, but closed 95j 96 on Monday; Various conflicting rumours touch- ing the present Ministry, and the still existing uncertainty as regards peace or war on the Continent, have had a prejudicial influence, and Consols were at one time forced down to 951. Money has been in consider- ably greater demand, and the rates on the "House" have somewhat in- creased ; the demand out of doors has also been much greater. The Go- vernment Broker's purchases on account of the Savings Banks are now reduced to 15,0001. per diem. Exchequer Bills leave off 33 36, The Transfer Books for Reduced and New Three per cents are now closed. Recites being telegraphed this morning from Paris 1 per cent higher, has given greater firmness to the market, and the last quotation in Consols is 951 95k. Short loans on Government Securities are at about 11 and 2 per cent. The improvement which was noticed some time back in the business of the Foreign Stock Market has again gone off, and transactions of any im- portance are extremely rare, and the smallest bargains exercise a certain in- fluence every now and then. Stocks are much at the same quotations. Mexican, 19f 20 ; Turkish Six per Cent, 94 92f ; Ditto New Six per Cent, 78#781; Sardinian, 82 83; Brazilian Four-and-half per Cent, 94 941; Spanish Three per Cents, 441 444' Ditto deferred, 30 301 ; Peruvian Four- and-a-Half per Cent, 91 92; Ditto the Three per Cents, 731 741 ; Grenada Active, 19 20; Ditto Deferred, 51 6; Buenos Ayres, 79 81. The New Aus- trian ecrip. was at one period pressed for sale and receded to 3, 2 dis. ; it has, however, since improved and is now 11 1 dis. The inquiry for Turkish, both Old and New Stook, has been limited ; the former has been done as low as 91f and as high as 93, the latter has fluctuated between 78 and 79. The dividend on the Peruvian Three per Cents has been advertised. Money continuesplentiful. The Railway Share Market has this week been without any particular feature except absence of speculation. Prices are generally lower than last quoted, averaging f per cent. Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 37 371, shows a fall of 11 per cent ; Midland, 1001 1001 ; Groat Western, 57; 68; London and North Western, 94/ 95; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 94f 95 ; London and South Western, 92 921 ; Caledonian, 42/ 421; llerwiek, 911 91/ ; North Staffordshire, 4,1 41 discount ; Great Northern shares, 2,5/ ; South Eastern, 21 211. The half-monthly settlement took place on Tuesday and Wednesday, but beyond transactions in connection with it there has been little doing. Rates for continuation were exceedingly light. The quotation for the debentures of the East India Railway Company's new loan is 112 premium. The French Market has been flat during the week, but closes with a inn appearance, as no rumours have been spread, and no fresh. cause for un- easiness brought before the public. Paris and Lyons. 322- 331; Northern of France, 34 371; Paris and Strasbourg., 261 27 ; Lombardo-Venetian Old, preen. ; ditto New,}prem. The Indian Market is dull, salea having been made by proprietors in order that they may take up the debentures issued by the East Indian Railway Company. Great Indian Peninsular, 101 102 ; East India, 103 104 ; Madras, 201. shares, 191 20.