19 MARCH 1870, Page 13

The Select Committee on Elections have sent in their report.

They state that municipal elections, are often very corrupt, and that the corruption cannot be punished, and recommend that the law for such elections should be assimilated to that which governs -elections to Parliament. As regards the latter, they believe bribery exists in many boroughs in England, but not in counties; while :Scotland is free both of that vice and of effectual intimidation. There 4s intimidation, however, in some English and Welsh counties, and -in Ireland, what with mobs, priests, landlords, and soldiers, there is, in places, no freedom of election at all. They recommend as the cure the Ballot, which, they say, will prevent riot, preclude -intimidation, and increase purity. Mr. Leathern tried to antici- pate Government action on 1Vednesday, and succeeded in adjourn- tog the debate on his "single-barrelled Bill" till Tuesday, when it is supposed the Ministry will declare its intentions. There seems no doubt that it will introduce the Ballot, but there is -doubt as to its doing so this Session.