Aspromonte, And Other Poems. (macmillan.)—we May Say Of...
what Juvenal said of himself, "fitcit indignatio versus." "These poems," he tells us, " were written several years ago between the ages of eighteen and twenty-two," that is, at......
Madam How And Lady Wry.*
Jr is generally allowed that Mr. Kingsley achieved a culminating success in the Water-Babies : and perhaps it was not to be expected that he should produce another book to rival......
C Ur Rent Literature
The Contemporary Review. March. (Strahan and Co.)—Professor Bonatny Price contributes a plain and well-reasoned paper on "Free Trade and Reciprocity," delivered originally, we......
A Copious And Critical English-latin Dictionary. By...
and Theophilus Hall, M.A. (Murray.)—We may safely say that this is the best and most complete work of the kind which we possess. So much praise indeed it is not hazardous to......