SIB, —My attention has just been called to an article
in the current number of the Contemporary Review, in which, after referring to certain well-known Oxford names, the writer continues :— " And a Professor at the sister University, whose reputation as a 'Catholic' stands very high, has been reported as saying that Christ is two persons, indissolubly and eternally united together. If this be a correct report, he has fallen into downright Nestorian- ism."
An anonymous charge based upon report neither deserves nor admits of a lengthened refutation. I trust you will permit me to meet it in your columns by a simple denial of its truth. I may say with absolute confidence that no such statement can have proceeded from any one of the present occupants of Divinity Chairs at Cambridge.—I am, Sir, &c., Divinity School, Cambridge, March 15th. H. B. SWETE.