19 MARCH 1898, page 18


FAIRY GOLD. May—that's the month for gold ! The fields hold out their gowns of green Till the sun coins his yellow sheen, And fills them full as they can hold With fairy gold.......

Blank Verse.

[TO THE EDITOR Or TEl "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—In your interesting article on "Blank Verse" in the Spectator of March 12th, you allude casually to Longfellow's " Hiawatha ; " but as I......

Sib, —my Attention Has Just Been Called To An Article

in the current number of the Contemporary Review, in which, after referring to certain well-known Oxford names, the writer continues :— " And a Professor at the sister......


MR. GREGORY'S LETTER-BOX, 1813-1830.* LADY GREGORY has brought together in this volume a large amount of valuable, curious, and often very amusing informa- tion relating to one......